Was having an interesting discussion with Andy last night and we realised that now that MaxP has gone very...... errmmmm well....... you get the idea. But now that its happened, which magazines would actually hold the interest of a performance car enthusiast?
So, listed below is as mant of the main stream popular mags as I could think of, I think it would be an interesting survey to see how many people still follow the main stream mags, and how many have moved on to other things.....
Please vote for as many of the mags that you buy regularly.
"Regularly" = More than three issues per year
If you subscribe to this mag, please indicate with a *
Remember, this is just a bit of fun and no one is on a mission here.....
1) Max Power
2) Fast Car
3) Redline
4) Perf GTi
5) Track and race car
6) Retro cars
7) Practical performance car
Thanks guys, Dave BBT