Evo 5 RS
try some of the trainers/mods. Flying around the map is a scream
It's a great game - it really is. Some of the scenery and the 'openess' of it all is pretty staggering. But this small issue, which could easily be rectified in a patch is just ruining it for me. I wouldn't mind if their was a random timer element to it - hold off the current wave of attackers and then get anything from 10-60 seconds to get the hell out of there. But it's the constant, never-ending waves of reinforcements that are just crazy. Very quickly you're out of ammo and you simply don't have the time (or ability) to pickup the dropped ammo before getting strafed again and again. This issue is almost a deal breaker between me and this game.
Just Cause 2 is just causing me to be pissed off at the minute! I seemingly can't complete or even half-attempt a mission without incurring the wrath of half an air force. Coupled with the fact that the helos are stupidly accurate and ALWAYS fire, there's simply no way out of there other than fleeing.
I really don't hope I end up switching this game off for good, like I did with Red Faction 2 due to the exact same reasons. Trigger a response from the armed forces at this level and you're fcuked. Or you just play chicken. Which is alright every now and then, but when it becomes the mission staple method of play, it rapidly becomes tedious.
I just completed a mission at some military base, and I had like heat 4 or 5. I had 6 choppers after me... I jumped from one to another, landed them all on the beach, only for the ground units to catch up with me. Only way I got away was by stealing a fighter jet... It got pretty ridiculous. Tbh, if you're not in a mission, its better to just run away/hide than try and take on the might of the Panauan army :rasp:
But anyway, I completed the game yesterday. That is, I did the main missions, and now I'm on mercenary mode doing all the smaller missions (on 28% atm) so I guess it will keep me entertained when I'm really bored. Oh, and a word of warning... Baby Panay will just NOT die!
Edit: if you have a chopper on you, just grapple onto it and hang from the underside and allow your health to build up again... the ground units are pretty useless when trying to shoot upwards I've found.
might as well bump this...
all the commando series for £2.99 and tropico is on for a fiver i think
also the crysis i bought on sale last week has finally started working woop
if you wish to play it like that i'm sure you could but ive never noticed that reallyIs the Commandos series a Pixel-Perfect-Game? By that, click forward....you're not seen. Click forward a fraction more..... you're not seen. Click forward a teeny-tiny amount more..... oh look, I'm dead?
Darkstar One I seem to recall wasn't bad, got a bit samey
Is Titan Quest any good?
I don't do boxed games on the PC at the mo
DVD drive is dead and I haven't bought a new one yet![]()
Far Cry 2 sucked mega ****, for one massive reason
Enemies that respawned way too quickly. I didn't even bother finishing it
Brothers in Arms today. Weird game but I remember it being ok. 6.74 for all of them if anyone is interested.
Cheers for the heads up, have been waiting for Hawx2 to drop to a reasonable price
anyone having issues running any games on the MBP 13" 4GB? Thinking of downloading a few games but don't have much confidence in the MBP's gaming ability!
Hawx 2 just killed one of my RAM modules! f**k sake!
Back to 2x 1gig sticks until I can get this pair RMA'd![]()
I'm not upgrading for a while
I'm still running DDR2![]()
That's wrong. Any self-respecting PC owner requires DDR3 in their lives....
The MMO I play a lot was down for a few days while they shifted servers to the states so I went looking for a shooter to kill some time with, ended up buying Bulletstorm.
Fun little shoot em up I'm quite addicted to now, you can go solo or 4 player co-op, I've linked to steam and it's £30 there but I got it from EA for £19.99.