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Speaker help!

  Renault Clio Mk2
So I've just bought an active subwoofer, Fli 1200W from halfrauds ( I know everyone hates them, but I don't think it's too bad tbh) and was wondering what would be the best components to fit into my doors, preferably 5.25 unless it's really easy to fit a 6" and also which amp would be able to power those well, as it's an active sub the amp will just be for 2 front components! Budget is around £100-£150 for the amp and speakers, thanks guys!


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  Renault Clio Mk2
Tell us a little about your head unit...
Sorry I completely forgot I've got a pioneer 360BT I think, rated at 4x50W but I think this is more like 12W RMS, so I think I would like an amp so the sub doesn't drown out lower powered mids
I would go for the pioneer perfect fit and custom fit for front and rear though your new set up may be able to power something better. Without doing any wiring any better may be wasted though(in my limited knowledge).
Just read that again, if you are fitting a sub you really need an amp.
  Listerine & Poledo
The pioneers will drop in fine, but the wiring will be duff.
You'll need to wire in crossovers and new wiring to the tweeters. You're going to really enjoy taking that dashboard apart ;)

Honestly, for your budget....
Sound deadening (if you dont add at least some sort of anti-rattle, you may as well not bother at all)

However, I'd also like to add that if you just use headunit power and switch bass off for the speakers (high pass filter settings) then the stock speakers are actually quite decent and because you'll use all your 4x50w(?) for mids and highs only (with the sub dealing with lows) then they'll balacne out quite well. @TheEvilGiraffe and about 3 dozen other CS'ers will back me up on this.
Dertainly worth a try before you take the dash apart anyway, but good luck. Happy boomz!
  Renault Clio Mk2
Thanks everyone! It doesn't sound to bad after I've set the hpf up, so might just leave it as is for a while :)
