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Spoiler for 172 MKII

Does any one know where i can get a decent spoiler for the MkII 172?

I have seen the Renault double spoiler in the gallery - Is this available from Renault or is it an aftermarket Jobbie.

In the latest copy of fast car there is a blue clio with a Fly rear spoiler - has anybody got an idea where to get this from

Also does any one know if a spoiler advertised for the series 2 clio would fit on the series 3 :confused:

Fly spoiler available from Fast Forward Motorsport - phone 01684578844 - £109 I think - very nice - offered one up to car but the missus said no..........
  7.6cc :D

I have the Renault double spoiler, actually not fitted to the car as yet :mad:

but, yes you get it from Renault (who are crap)
  7.6cc :D

spoiler, spraying, fitting, new brake light, new washer jet = £334

The spoiler is only £115 + VAT, if you have a friendly sprayer and fitter?
  Lionel Richie

Jilly, why dont you take the jet and light off your spoiler???? Save you a few quid???? The jet pushes out and the light is two bolts!!!
  7.6cc :D

I dont know Fred :cry: i just left it to Renault to sort out!

I didnt even know i was having a new jet and light till it appeared on the invoice
  7.6cc :D

By the way Fred, old one is still yours if you want it.........should be off the car by next week or the week after (hopefully, cause Renault are crap)
  Lionel Richie

Dont pay for new bits you dont need, just tell them to take the bits off your one cos i dont need the light and jet, i can use mine. ill still have the spoiler let me know when its ready, thanks (ill give you some ££££)

Let me think about it over the weekend.

If you have any pic of it fitted e-mail me at">

I am still not sure if it would look right on.

I will let you know on Wednesday as i am away until then.:D



Jilly, Fred. The double spoiler has a different brakelight and washer jet. The light and washer jet are taken off the smaller spoiler than you get on the dynamique and 172. The washer jet is £4.50 and the brakelight is £36.00. The brakelight is bright red which really annoyed me against the black so I sprayed it with lense tinting. Its a shame renault cant incoperate the back light as seen on the larger spoiler as it is a lot brighter and more subtler than the red break light. Hope this helps.

  Scirocco GT TSi DSG

I would like to get a good rear spoiler, any idea on what is the best without invalidating my warranty?

Youll only invalidate ur warranty if u muck about with engine or mecanical mods - a spoiler will only affect ur insurance if you tell them that is!





Hi all, that silver clio is sex on wheels.that is a must have!

jillyb,could you please do me a favour and give me the part number for your double spoiler,i live in perth,western aus and they dont list it anywhere here.But if i have a pt number it would be a great help.

any problems with fitting,as ive read before from other people.

just giving that beautiful silver rally clio a good looking over and i think its more than a body kit.the doors look thinner than normal (ie the gap from the rubbing strip to the door lock/handle).but it could be an illusion.

dtm mirrors,window tint and twin exhausts(maybe sill exit) and that would just fine thank you,santa!
  7.6cc :D

Grant - hmm part number, ill have a look on the Renault invoice when i get home, all i did was ask for the double spoiler and they knew what i meant so part numbers didnt come into it, but i will look for you :)

Fitting isnt that great, not as good as the original 172 spoiler, there needs to be a bigger gap between the spoiler and the roof so that the boot can open properly and even then its hits the ariel when the boot is fully open! plus Renault did mine a bit wonky, but its sorted now :D

excuse me for being a ludite, but, can someone provide more details of the body kit on the silver motor.. without the spoiler, that is excellent.

who ??.. where .. ???.. what ??. - any links or more pics... ??

if it is made by renault ??.. has anyone got any further details..

that would look great on the turbo conversion.
  7.6cc :D

Oh really! and there i was thinking you were keeping the turbo conversion looking like a sleeper ......changed your mind???;)

Thanks muchly,will tackle the dealer 2morrow. going to ask about the super 1600 body-kit as well.will let you know.

hope i can return the favour sometime.

