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Spray and shine/showroom shine?????

  PH1 iceburg
Anyone used the above products? i was watching sum crap late night tv last night and i turned over to one of these shopping channels and saw this stuff. They said u just spray the wax on and polish off with a microfibre! Surely this will scratch the fook out of the paint?
Anyone used, is it worth getting?


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5
I have the autoglym showroom stuff, more if you have given it a good polish/wax and want to keep on top of it...havent really tried it tbh
  clio 172 cup
I've used it, only after washing the car first, don't trust it to " incapsulate " the dirt lol. Does produce a very nice shine but gets into all the gaps and creavasis and is crap on the plastic. Autoglym's aqua wax is alot better for a spray wax.


ClioSport Club Member
  V6 Mk1, Golf GTI Mk5
I've used it, only after washing the car first, don't trust it to " incapsulate " the dirt lol. Does produce a very nice shine but gets into all the gaps and creavasis and is crap on the plastic. Autoglym's aqua wax is alot better for a spray wax.


Spray wax smells so nice aswell
