can anybody remember who did this, links?
Sexbomb x
Sexbomb x
'Mizin, thanks babe x
I think it looks sweet, i'm looking to get some Matt vynal wrap for a few bits. At the end of the day if it looks s**t, take it off, no harm done!!
That looks awesome
Matt CF or just Black?
The more I look the better it looks...... I think it would work with Capsicum nicely.
It was an Inferno, and he vinly wrapped it.
did Fubar not get this done recently whilst having his car repaired? thought he had that bit painted black and some air ducts installed in the fog holes.
I think the other mods compliment the first one, but the photoshopped one doesnt look that good imo.
did Fubar not get this done recently whilst having his car repaired? thought he had that bit painted black and some air ducts installed in the fog holes.