what do you want, and whats you budget??
theres pros and cons for both,
coilies are expensive (£400+), and you loose alot of ride comfort,
but you gain a big/adjustable drop, handleing is vastly improved too.
springs are cheap (£70), and you can retain most of your ride comfort,
but your at a fixed hight which is at the lowest 60mm drop, and they wont make a great deal of difference to the handling.
cutting standard springs, VERY cheap (£0), but loose all ride comfort,
can have as big a drop as you cut off, but handling will seriously suffer.
also will damage the shocks/wheels over bumps and probably fail an MOT.
(worth giving all the options lol)
personally, i dont like the idea of suspension worth that much, one wrong move on a wet day, and your looking for a new set. will personally wait until im a better driver and/or have that kind of money to waste.
hence why i have springs