Rinsed just over 25 hours into this game now. with all the recent dbl XP weekends I've just hit level 41.
I'm loving it. Started off with the huge maps/game modes like walker assault which is visually awesome, the sound is immense though, if you have a proper set up then this game sounds nuts 10x over it's ridiculously good.
I've found most enjoyment from the smaller maps and game modes now like cargo or drop zone. Recently Unlocked Han solos over powered 2shot dead pistol and destroying everyone haha.
My only gripe is the lack of weapon choice. They're nearly all terrible. Only the EE-3 and DL-44 are any good if you're not using the "default" weapons. Customising them would be a good one too but I'm too much of a cod fanboy.
Also.. Season pass... wtf.
I bought the game for £32. Season pass. £40. Why!
£20 I'd do it. £25 okay. £30 pushing it. £35 no. £40.. Why!?
It's a shame because from what I've heard each 4 drops of DLC they release is going to include;
Tons more maps, tons more weapons, more heroes (got to be Yoda at some point!).
Basically everything everyone's moaning about will drop/fix in the DLCs.
I cannot and will not pay more than what I paid for a game for DLC though. Hell no.
Roll on MW4. Fxck BO3/ghosts/AW. This is my inbetween game, can't get off it.
Defo give it a blast of you haven't already. It's a refreshing change but still the similarity is there if you're into the call of duty and even battlefield series too. Just a star wars twist on both