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Std 6 Disc Not Working?

  RB 182
Come to use my 6 disc changer for the 1st time, and it wont eject the cartridge. There doesnt seem to be any power to it. Now ive only just bought the car

Now ive had the head unit out to get it recoded, and from what i remember there was the plugs for the radio, then a yellow plug which i plugged in, then a blank one next to it. Is there meant to be a plug to go into there which ive missed?
The Yellow plug from my memoey is the CD changer one.

Check the unit is pluged in the plugs at the back. Also some people tried taking the unit out (to sell seperate) and cut the wires until they decined they couldn't be bothered with the hastl but the lft the unit in place with choped up wires.
  Clio200 EDC Lux
nope yellow plug is dash display, blue plug is cd changer. If you have the cd changer there should be a blue plug as well.
Pm me your address if you want a copy of the manaul for how to strip the CD chnager down and check it works.
  Inferno 182
yeah defo a blue plug as took mine out and plugged it straight into my Trafic van as now using ipod instead
  BMW M135i
Yep blue plug for cd changer, if its not plugged in then the changer won't be getting any power so obviously won't eject the cartridge. May have fallen down the dash behind the headunit, wip it out again and have a route around.
It'll be a blue plug thats the same type/size as the yellow one.
