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steering wheel issues

  Clio 172
hi guys , my steering wheel is off to the left ,been told this is common..... i dont believe that , the car has has new tyres (contact sports) and tracking done but if anything it seems to be worse after the new tyres were put on , the chap at the tyre place said everything seemed strait (rack etc ) so bugger me im stumped lol

help :eek:
If it is just the steering wheel, then you could take it off and put it back on straight. When I refitted mine I put it on wonky, was driving along the road straight and my steering wheel was in pointing in the 10 o'clock position.
  2003 Clio 172
steering cant be off too much or it will mess with the steering angle sensor......taking the wheel off is not a fix.

when the wheels get aligned, they set the wheel straight first...... this

EDIT. sorry, saw you had the alignment done, if so.....something is amiss. The alignment is wrong or something is bent. FYI, when i had that shat "hang on laser" style alignment done, my steering was like this. If you haven't don so, get the proper Corghi/Hunter style alignment done so there is no doubt. This will also highlight if anything is badly out of line for you

  Clio 172
i know i cant just move the steering wheel strait it can only go on in one position , i would like to get this sorted before i ruin the tyres lol
Sorry just re-read my post and it does sound a bit naive. Obviously you should get it all double checked on a proper geo setup as a first step! Then maybe an inspection of other components if that doesn't show anything.

As I said though, after all else is checked and nothing seems wrong there is a small chance the wheel was taken off and could have been put back on slightly off. I did exactly that to mine!
