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STOLEN from Notts - RB 182 - REG K13 CAG.

Please share this around as much as poss!

RB 182 Reg - K13KAG stolen today from TeamSport Karting in Nottingham approx 5:30PM


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    616 KB · Views: 335
  172 CUP
Tbf if my car was nicked I don't know if I'd keep it once i got it back. Probably been ragged to s**t and it would never feel the same.

Are you taking the piss? Is a 182 - its mains purpose is to be ragged. You may as well say you'd never buy a 2nd hand RS cos it been ragged - they all have at some point...

Good luck to the OP in recovering it or receiving a fair payout from his insurance.
  172 CUP
But it's a car. It can't be 'abused' or 'assaulted'. If it comes back in one piece, without damage then what's the issue? Main thing is its found and returned as is.

CS_dave, I've read your project thread start to finish. Can you honestly say if you car was stolen, then found in the same condition as it was stolen, you'd get rid?


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
But it's a car. It can't be 'abused' or 'assaulted'. If it comes back in one piece, without damage then what's the issue? Main thing is its found and returned as is.

CS_dave, I've read your project thread start to finish. Can you honestly say if you car was stolen, then found in the same condition as it was stolen, you'd get rid?

Its the feeling of it being taken i wouldnt like i honestly feel that i would fall out of love with it.
  172 CUP
Its the feeling of it being taken i wouldnt like i honestly feel that i would fall out of love with it.

Fair enough. In your case, I doubt they'd catch it.

Mines a standard CUP, but the time and effort in keeping it OE+ I doubt I'd find another in the same nick for the insurance payout, hence why if it was Unaffected by the theft, I'd have it back.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Fair enough. In your case, I doubt they'd catch it.

Mines a standard CUP, but the time and effort in keeping it OE+ I doubt I'd find another in the same nick for the insurance payout, hence why if it was Unaffected by the theft, I'd have it back.

That is also fair enough.

I hope he gets it bk and is happy cant see the point in taking a clio mk2 for parts would rarther somthing with more money init.

In court theft is theft


ClioSport Club Member
Can't imagine what it must feel like, car looked lovely.

If it was mine I would want the scenario where I didn't get the car back and got the best payout possible.

It wouldn't sit well with me that it could have been driven by a rapist / paedophile, used to commit further crime, or had sex / taken drugs / shat / jizzed / vomited / spat in etc.

Of course, the chances of any of that happening is very slim but who knows?!

Hopefully public awareness will result in a successful prosecution, it looks like it's been well-shared on social media.

Thoughts go out to the owner, fingers crossed he gets a swift resolution he's happy with.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
^^^^^ so you've never bought a second hand car then?

All of the above could of happened in a car you've just bought from a forecourt.


ClioSport Club Member
^^^^^ so you've never bought a second hand car then?

All of the above could of happened in a car you've just bought from a forecourt.
You choose to buy a used car, and if you buy privately you even get to meet the previous owner. You're prepared for the situation knowing that someone else has 'experienced' the car, and you make a judgement call to buy or not to buy.

You don't choose to have your car stolen and you probably don't get to meet the thief either.

You're right, it all could have happened in a used car, but car theft is a subjective thing, everyone will have different opinions.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Think it was pot luck on the locker n just picked up that key to that car?

That's part of my rationale as to WhyTF car keys/cards have the bloody manufacturer name or logos all over them? A go-kart car park might not be too big - but something like a supermarket or shopping centre is. If some scroat stole the keys - at least it would take longer to actually track down your car if it was a blank fob. Those couple of minutes could be the difference between you getting back to your car before they do.


ClioSport Admin
That's part of my rationale as to WhyTF car keys/cards have the bloody manufacturer name or logos all over them? A go-kart car park might not be too big - but something like a supermarket or shopping centre is. If some scroat stole the keys - at least it would take longer to actually track down your car if it was a blank fob. Those couple of minutes could be the difference between you getting back to your car before they do.

Wouldn't take more than a few seconds to walk along pressing the fob to see which indicators flash.
  172 Turbo
How can it be though, ok the guy accepts on the FB group that he'll be at the karting.

The thief would have to be there to see that locker he uses and have a key or make him use a certain locker.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
How can it be though, ok the guy accepts on the FB group that he'll be at the karting.

The thief would have to be there to see that locker he uses and have a key or make him use a certain locker.

I dunno but just from the key alone a 200 looks like more money
