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Stolen Trophy? T800PHY

  182 Trophy, Williams
I've had a very quick search to try to make sure I'm not duplicating a thread here but if I am and I've just not spotted it please delete this thread mods.

A photo of a 182 Trophy reg: T800PHY has been circulating, the car is seemingly abandoned in a boarded up industrial area, believed to be Leeds. Leaving a stolen car to sit somewhere quiet for a few days to see if it has a tracker is common practice amongst thieves. If anyone knows the owner of T800PHY please give them a shout as this chap on Facebook knows where the car is.


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ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
Just call the police and report it and see what happens.

Surly if its been stolen the owner would have reported it and the police will have a record of it, I know there is alot of App's you can check things on but sometimes these can take up to 5/7 days to update and be 100% accurate.

Any of my cars had vanished it would be the first thing I would do is report it regardless if its a £200 rover metro / 182 Trophy or Aston DB9
  182 Trophy, Williams
Just call the police and report it and see what happens.

Surly if its been stolen the owner would have reported it and the police will have a record of it, I know there is alot of App's you can check things on but sometimes these can take up to 5/7 days to update and be 100% accurate.

Any of my cars had vanished it would be the first thing I would do is report it regardless if its a £200 rover metro / 182 Trophy or Aston DB9

Have already reported to Leeds Police
There's the off chance the owner is on holiday or stores the car in a lockup rather than at home etc and therefore wouldn't spot it straight away.

HPI doesn't show it as recorded stolen either, might not be but wanted to put the info on here (and also the Trophy forum) in case anyone knew the owner and the owner was unaware. Hopefully all is well and the owner had parked it there while they conducted some legitimate business in what looks like a thriving business district :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 Cup
I've seen this parked down Water Lane in Leeds a few months ago. It was there early morning so likely to have been overnight. So the guy may not be too fussed about where he parks it up.
  182 Trophy, Williams
I've seen this parked down Water Lane in Leeds a few months ago. It was there early morning so likely to have been overnight. So the guy may not be too fussed about where he parks it up.

Hopefully that's the case, figured it was worth a post in case. Had a car nicked before, horrible feeling, but hopefully nothing untoward here then!


ClioSport Club Member
Is this the one that was on some well dodgy wheels spotted in Leeds previously? A pretty unloved /well used example if I recall correctly.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 Cup
Don't know about that, but if you're parking it on Water Lane overnight, you're either too pissed to drive, or really dont care too much. Surprised the local ladies of the night hadn't crawled into it for a kip during their downtime.


ClioSport Club Member
I've seen this about a few times around Leeds. First time I lad eyes in it someone had just dumped it outside some grotty corner shop ffs

Either its unloved or nicked
I've had a very quick search to try to make sure I'm not duplicating a thread here but if I am and I've just not spotted it please delete this thread mods.

A photo of a 182 Trophy reg: T800PHY has been circulating, the car is seemingly abandoned in a boarded up industrial area, believed to be Leeds. Leaving a stolen car to sit somewhere quiet for a few days to see if it has a tracker is common practice amongst thieves. If anyone knows the owner of T800PHY please give them a shout as this chap on Facebook knows where the car is.

And that photo shows why I don't live oop north ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Used to be owned by a guy who's parents lived round the corner from me. Don't know if he still has it as I've moved since and not seen it.

He seemed to look after it though so probably been sold since.
  Full fat BG 182
I was the one who saw the car and posted it on the Facebook page. After checking the insurance on askmid it turns out the car isn’t insured which then alarm bells started to ring. So me and dan have been trying to trace the owner with no luck as of yet


ClioSport Club Member
@SharkyUK - this plate looks familiar like it might have been on a Trophy Welsh Weekender. Will/Phil’s perhaps?
Tim, you have a good memory... almost got it right! ;) Will and Phil are in T700. (y)
I don't know much about #313 unfortunately and have very little information about it. Fingers crossed there is nothing untoward going on here.
  182 Trophy, Williams
I was the one who saw the car and posted it on the Facebook page. After checking the insurance on askmid it turns out the car isn’t insured which then alarm bells started to ring. So me and dan have been trying to trace the owner with no luck as of yet

When I spoke to the Police they didn't really want to know because I wasn't the one who found the car. It would be worth you giving them a call and letting them know where it is.

The Police also wouldn't divulge to me if it was/wasn't reported stolen.

It's quite possible that the owner parked it there and his/her insurance has lapsed without them knowing (been there myself so no judgement).

It presents a bit of a dilemma, because if it's as above then letting the Police know where it is could get the owner in a bit of trouble for being on the road without insurance. However, the fact that it isn't insured makes it even worse if it has been stolen because the loss for the owner isn't even covered.

On that basis, if you've got the time, I'd let old bill know where it is. They'll be able to lift it for no insurance and get in touch with the owner. He might face a fine for no insurance but that's better than potentially loosing it without any cover if it's nicked.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Lol. When I've done quotes for people in work there has been an option not to auto renew. Assuming it was added because insurance tends to increase.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 Cup
Man owns Clio and parks it where he pleases, Precious Trophy owners spot car in dodgy area and lose their s**t and assume stolen 😂

Trophy’s aren’t worth stealing....
Don't tell my wife that. I've just bought one by convincing her it's an investment!
  182 Trophy, Williams
Man owns Clio and parks it where he pleases, Precious Trophy owners spot car in dodgy area and lose their s**t and assume stolen 😂

Trophy’s aren’t worth stealing....

Nobody loosing their s**t. I'm about as far from a precious Trophy owner as you could get. Mine has a million miles on it, is covered in mud and is regularly driven at ten tenths on track days (not as regularly as I'd like). I'm the first person to say there's little difference between a Trophy and any other 182, other than values obviously. Any car can be stolen, a regular 182 can be, I had my FF broken into, so Trophys, as with every other car are worth stealing.

This particular one isn't insured, meaning if it has been stolen it'll be a considerable loss for the owner. Therefore a couple of people are trying to locate the owner in order to help them avoid that loss.

What exactly is it that you have a problem with here?


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup 172
Lol. When I've done quotes for people in work there has been an option not to auto renew. Assuming it was added because insurance tends to increase.
Recently the law has changed and the companies have to auto renew to save folks insurance lapsing without them knowing if they have maybe moved address and not updated the company


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Recently the law has changed and the companies have to auto renew to save folks insurance lapsing without them knowing if they have maybe moved address and not updated the company

Cool. I have ticked that box though.
