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STOP light and Hand brake light keeps flashing

  Clio Sport 172 Ph1

I have a problem getting spares for this particular vehicle, I have the only 1 (this spec) in my town in South Africa.
I don't wanna go to the agents because of their ridiculous pricing.

Back to my problem, I have read a few blogs but nothing has solved my problem yet, the STOP light and Hand brake light keeps flashing on the dash, even whilst idling, when i accelerate the lights go off, but come back on when i leave the accelerator?

I have checked the brake fluid and have got the brakes checked by an independent garage. Problem still persists.

This has been bugging me for a while.

Please assist with solid input coz this is frustrating now.....

Thanking you in advance
  Clio 197 RB
I have this problem, but they seem to come on in my car when I accelerate quickly or going around corners.
I may get my brakes checked. And do the fluid change!


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
My car does this when I go around a big corner at speed. Goes off as soon as I'm back on the straight.

So is it because the brake fluid is sloshing around in the tank causing the lights to flicker?

