i'm unsure about if i would be comfortable driving it. lol
ghey i know.
Mate, your old car was nice looking, i dont like standard ph1 172's which im open about, theres only two i would have taken on from this site which is yours or Deans old one but thats cause they were different.
Thats what its all about with the liquid too imo. I thought there was only 34 made when i bought mine but according to that Renault thing that was on here listing how many were made in each coulour there is 60 odd but your still gonna be hardpushed to see another out there.
There was 300 sunflower ph 1's made and iv never seen one on the road.
Personally i reckon the other colours bar racing are either common or boring but we do have to ask ourselves if the liquids were more available, in the same price band as the normal ones or didnt cost 1500 notes as an extra new, how many would actually have the colour!?
Have you ever seen one in the flesh? If not go see it.......I bought mine in summer and theres no doubt it looks different in the sun light.
Iv found everybody i know really likes the liquid (lads or ladies) and iv never had any gay jibes about it part from the few iv seen on here but again see a few paragraphs upward.
liquid is a great colour, only 2 on here iirc.
£9695, not bad. The front number plate looks furked tho
I can think of at least 5 on here.