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Strange Internet Problem

As the title says it's a little weird this one.

Last week my internet randomly stopped working, upon inspecting the router I noticed the green light for the internet had gone out. Tried alsorts to sort, resetting the router, running through the process of setting the router up again etc.

Anyway I gave in and rang my ISP for help but while I was on thehouse phone to them, the green light on my router came back on and my internet was fine but was running incredibly slow. Since today it's been the same but came home from work today and noticed the light had gone out again. Just out of curiousity I used the house phone to ring my mobile and the green light came on but as soon as I disconnected the phone the light went off again. Went through this process a few times and eventually the light stayed on but my internet speed has been extremely poor.

Any suggestions or advice to what the problem could be? the advisors on the helpline are useless and are hard to understand as their call centres are based in India I presume from the accents.

My ISP is AOL and my wireless router is SpeedTouch.

  330Ci (Fail)Sport
I'd change them all just incase. Not that expensive to do, even if it is a waste. If it does work, then happy days.
  Toyota MR2
The filter theory would make sense. but id say its more a problem with your box. for the price of a filter £3 id try that first. failing that throw the box or report it to ur isp and see if they will give a replacement. (orange did this for me once no cost)
The filter theory would make sense. but id say its more a problem with your box. for the price of a filter £3 id try that first. failing that throw the box or report it to ur isp and see if they will give a replacement. (orange did this for me once no cost)

Yeah it's worth a try I guess. Thanks mate.
  Fiesta Zetec S TDCi
My Dad's on AOL and he's had problems with his filters and using extension cables in the past, so well worth a shot.
Maybe a bad connection in the back of your phoneline socket?

It's a possibility, I've had problems with it before.

My Dad's on AOL and he's had problems with his filters and using extension cables in the past, so well worth a shot.

Yeah I use to have a long extension cable running from the main bedroom (where the main and only outlet is) and I had to ditch that because my internet would often disconnect it's self.
