Haha sorry dude!! update is a bit over due, but seeing as this thread isnt getting much love, i havnt felt under too much pressure!!
update 04/07/2012
So was still wafting for things to do to occupy the weekend. so i decieded to finish the rear end off once and for all!!
this involved fitting braided lines, and painting the callipers! i had already done them silver, but i changed my mind and wanted them yellow!!

So i high tailed it over to see clio_squeak to grab a break spanner!! and somehow got roped into helping him fit suspension, but hey ho its all fun and games!
Painted rear callipers! also got a jet wash out and blasted the muck off the rear arches!
Pick of the brake lines fitted... most of the bolts were fine, one sadly really didnt want to shift! and after the spanner slipped a few times and some colourful language from myself i got some mole grips on it, and then it played ball! i fitted them all back together, putting the ruined line back on with mole grips (i know this isnt idea, but it theoretically shouldnt need to be undone again, and if it does leak i shall just change the brake line!)
While i was at it, i finally sorted the rear exhaust hanger.....kind of!!
Two of the bolts snapped, and one snapped the captive nut off the otherside. And shock horror, the one that was spinning was the one that i couldnt get to the other side of, so out came the angle grider and that is an extra job for the custom exhaust shop! lol
the remains!
Snap of my front brakes painted ready to be fitted with braided lines!
I then tidied up the garage ready for the crane to be collected from my mates! (cranes in there now, this update is a little out of date! lol).
Then today i decieded since i was going to have very little room to get down the sides of the car when its down the drive, i would attempt to loosen as much as i could, and remove some bits to make life easier!! (i had left the front brakes off for the time being). It slowly turned out that though original is good, suspension parts that have not been unbolted for 10+ years put up a hell of a fight!! This prompted an afternoon long battle with the wishbones trying to get them out of the hubs! no matter what i did, how hard i hit, they just wouldnt move! My mate then came to help and while trying to hit it with the bolt move of the way on the threads, the bolt managed to jump down a thread and wreck the shaft!! at this point we decieded that the shaft was dead so we gave it full on hell with the hammer until it surrendered!!
the damage
the spines on the shaft had actually swolen slightly due to corrosion! thankfull my mate had a spare set of ph1 shafts and i had some bits so we arranged a swap. since this point was reached we decieded to simply drain the box and remove both the shafts, saving me more jobs later!
Both discs were obviously also removed and the waste was left out for the random odds with bells that drive around taking scrap metal!!
finally a couple of my mates showed up and we rolled the car out into the road, did a 3 point turn, and rolled it down to the end of my drive ready to be properly taken apart! As the car currently stands is has no brakes (other than handbrake). no front discs or callipers, no shafts.
but on a plus side, the track arms and ends both looked brand new so they wont be getting changed!! saves me about £50 overall!! so jobs for tomorrow, weather permitting, will be removing the entire subframe assembly to be cleaned, painted, and polybushed!
Also massive thanks to cliosports auto-save function, i wrote all of this before my internet decieded to sh!t itself and clear it all!! i was fuming until i saw the recover autosaved text! :star: