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Suggestions for new stereo pleesh

  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Now then ICE lovers, Im after some suggestions on a new setup Ive got planned for the 172. I listen to mostly rock and metal in the car so Id like a system that suits that.

Its all going to run off a Pioneer mp77 for now, but the rest of the gear will be new. The budget will probably be around £500 (that excludes cabling). I havent really got much of an idea where to start, a mate of mine had a really good setup in his Mondeo a while back which comprised of two 8inch JL Audio subs and some Focal componants. They sounded spot on for the kind of music I have in mind but Id prefer to keep it to one sub if possible.

I reckon to keep it inside the budget, the best way to go would be a single amp, components and a Sub? Or should I really get an amp sepcifically for the sub and another for the fronts?

Im a bit out of touch with stereo gear nowadays so hopefully you people will be able to come up with some good suggestions.



Genesis P13

Precision Power PC10x
Resonant Engineering RE10v2
Phase Linear Thriller 10
Directed 310x

Directed 4600
Phase Evo CC480
Phoenix Gold Octane R5:0.4
Orion 4404

the above are just a quick selection, if it was my money, id spend it on the Genesis Profile 13 components, Phase Evolution CC480 4ch amplifier and a single Resonant Engineering RE10v2, this should provide a very well balanced sound, without being overpowering
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Cheers Bambam, are there any retailers that you would recommend for this stuff?
