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Symbian is dead? (Nokia N8)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Thats f**king terrible. Bet Apple/Google are FPMSL.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
i think the phone and features as a general are great, but symbian so old.........
i like :eek: the interface makes sense an flows how it should

how apple cant offer faster connectivity switching is beyond me
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  1998 BMW e46 323i
The days of Symbian and/or Nokia et al greatness is over. The 8210, n95 epic, epic phones.

It's all cyclical, Windows Mobile was way ahead of the game back in 2003 ish, then Nokia was on the money, now it's Apple.

Fickle fanboi FTW.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Nokias effort now is in Maemo, the SDK is Qt and is awesome, I don't develop any desktop software at work that isn't written in Qt, it's just about as perfect a set of libraries as you could imagine.

Of course, QtCreator which is the IDE is good and is getting better with every release.

And it's all open source too.

The best thing nokia ever did was buying trolltech and making Qt available under the LGPL.
