No such thing as a slow lane or fast lane, speed limit in all lanes are exactly the same.! The second and third lanes on a carriageway are both called overtaking lanes. But alot of people seem to forget that once you have overtaken a car in lane 1 you must pull back in once it is clear to do so. Also seem to think that if you do want to go over 70mph you must pull into the middle lane to do so. I wander how many people over 50 would pass their driving test if they were to take it again.
I has some dozy cow (seems all these complaints are about women, no offence to the lady drivers on this site tho!) in a Golf on a dual carriageway, about 10pm, only 1 other car on the road but this one other car was the one she decided to cut infront of me to overtake, very slowly.!
She must have been going about 2mph faster than the car she was overtaking and we were only doing about 50 at the time. But once she was alongside she just sat there, both cars side by side. I gave a quick flash of my head lights just to say I wanted to pass, and she stuck her finger up at me.! This pissed me off, so I put my lights on full beam and left them on. She sped up by all of about 3mph to pass the car on her left and pulled in front of the car too close, causing it to brake sharp in order to drop back.
I pull along side (Im in the Supra by the way) and look over at her with an very puzzled look on my face shaking my head. At this point we must have hit a masive 54mph. She looks over and sticks her finger up at me again, so I mouth the words "You stupid woman". Dont think she liked that!
At no point was I sitting right on her bumper, I think the closest I got was about 1 car length so christ knows what her problem was, made me chuckle in the end.
Another thing I see alot of (I live near a junction of the M25) is people reversing back down the slip road when they realise that they took the wrong exit off the roundabout. Ive now deliberatly driven onto the slip road right up behind them and made them go on the motorway even though I wasnt going that way myself.! When I see things like that I always think, if only I was a policeman!!!!