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Taking phone to europe

So things we so simple when i had a 3310.

However on my BB it's set up to receive emails. If i leave it the same will it charge me mad money to receive them or will it realise, automatically, i'm in europe and not do it?

Also i presume if i use internet, maps, facebook, i'll get raped on roaming costs?

Sorry for being a noob and thanks to whomever clears it up.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I think I'm right in saying if you don't turn the e-mail function off you will get charged if you receive them. Ofcourse any data you use you will get charged for.
Is there any way of changing a setting on the phone, BlackBerry Bold 9700, so it'll know i'm in europe and not send me stuff/use the internet etc.
If i turn Data Services OFF when Roaming, will this be sufficient?

Or do i need to change it to 2G only aswell?

Do i need to Turn Data Services Off too? Just to be safe?
