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Thank you winter + CL pads


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Cleaned the car today, after 4 times going over this shite it wont budge, ive started to go over it with Scratch-X which is sorting it but its a very very slow process. I found a shitty drill mitt which I used to do my headlights which started off white...



  TrackCar & F30 330d
Yep the pads did the same to my paint work if you dont was your car every week without fail.

I got an aggressive clay bar and took it off with that.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Yep the pads did the same to my paint work if you dont was your car every week without fail.

I got an aggressive clay bar and took it off with that.

Could you please link me to said claybar, ive never used them before so any help would be good :) Cheers mate.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Any advice on a decent clay to get rid of this guys? Im mainly useless at detailing :(
