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The Chris Harris thread

Everybody loves Chris Harris.
He does weekly videos for the Drive channel on YouTube.

They now live in here...

And the past few weeks..

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  White clique
Chris Harris = meh, i couldnt really care who he is. Everyone likes different things in a car and i think its quite sad how people look up to him as some sort of god, and that whatever he says MUST be right. I'm sure he's good at his job though, but he's a nobody in my eyes.
  Nissan 350z
Loving Drive. I think the other stuff they do is very decent too.

Im not convinced, some bits are good others are way too American focused to have any relevance i find. I dont know their names, but the older guy who always talks fast has yet to do a video i have enjoyed.
Chris Harris = meh, i couldnt really care who he is. Everyone likes different things in a car and i think its quite sad how people look up to him as some sort of god, and that whatever he says MUST be right. I'm sure he's good at his job though, but he's a nobody in my eyes.

Lol strong reaction there Alan. Don't recall massive amounts of hero worship on here. He's a decent journalist who strikes a decent balance between information and entertainment and can genuinely pedal a car very well. Comes across as a genuinely likeable bloke to boot.
  Not a 320d

My Hero

Lol strong reaction there Alan. Don't recall massive amounts of hero worship on here. He's a decent journalist who strikes a decent balance between information and entertainment and can genuinely pedal a car very well. Comes across as a genuinely likeable bloke to boot.

Couldn't of said it better.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
He just comes across as the dullest person on the planet. His voice and presenting manor just aren't that good.


ClioSport Club Member
Totally disagree. I could watch him talk about anything and be entertained.

He's the car geek's geek.

Not to mention the fact he's insanely handy either.
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
I enjoy his work too, but that is because he is entertaining, more so than a journalist

Totally disagree. I could watch him talk about anything and be entertained.

He's the car geek's geek.

Not to mention the fact he's insanely handy either.
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
I genuinely think he's the nuts.He has a great balance of cheeky driver and great knowledge.

And he can genuinely drive.Thats enough for me.

I'm sure if he wanted he could have worked in a police call centre if he put his mind to it.:D
So, summary;

We're all allowed to like different things in cars, just as long as we don't like Chris Harris, because that would be sad.


ClioSport Club Member
I enjoy watching him but I don't think he'll ever become a mainstream car journalist, (TG etc)
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
Given a chance and the right show he would take off.

If that fat t**t brewer and big issue seller ed can do it,well.


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
I enjoy watching him but I don't think he'll ever become a mainstream car journalist, (TG etc)


He needs to stay doing this sort of stuff. Proper stuff with tests, if he goes to TG he'll be ruined and wasted. FG would be more suited.


ClioSport Admin
My mate text me earlier to say one of the partners in his firm came over to him this afternoon and said "Huw, you like cars don't you?", my mate nodded and then the guy said "have you seen any of the videos my best mate has been putting on You Tube?" and then proceeded to type in Chris Harris.

Suffice to say, I think my mate has a new favourite partner. Lol


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
His reviews are good but he is duller than dull.

He is the celery of the motoring world.


ClioSport Admin
His reviews are good but he is duller than dull.

He is the celery of the motoring world.

That's almost half the appeal to me. He's not trying to be something he's not and he lets the car be the centre of attention, not himself.


  172 Cup
I think he's brilliant, but sometimes he spends to much time with the car going sideways rather than the fastest way around the corner.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
As said, I like his no-nonsense car reviews... This to me is what TopGear should be like, instead of all the set-up stupidity I've endured lately. I know that TopGear has to appeal to a wider audience, but I personally would much rather watch an hour of Chris Harris instead. I like to consider him factual rather than boring.
If he goes to TG I'll cry! (not that'll happen as he wouldn't fit in).

His reviews are great, just the right amount of nerdy details without being OTT, but still interesting.


ClioSport Club Member
He's a good writer and reviewer who doesn't need to resort to hyperbole. Spot on imo.
It was just the fact he said he had lost one some where filming. I just noticed something fly off the car on that corner.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Sod the Impreza, it's nice but any of the Lancia's s**t all over it soundwise.
