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The Curse of a Red Car....

Anyone who has owned a red car for a few years will know what I mean when I say.... Oxidisation!!!!!!!!!!

Yes the bonnet of my Clio 16V 1 and the roof have suffered the worse going almost pink compared to the rest of the car.

I cant afford a re-spray and I have tried all kind of potions and polishes from t-cut to something that looked like goats cheese (!) to improve it without much luck, within days its gone back to pink. So can anyone give some ideas on how I can restore a show-room shine to my flat looking joy?
  Nippy white cup

I always see Vauxhalls with faded paintwork. Corsas & Cavaliers seem to be the worst, always pink bonnets!


ClioSport Club Member

A guy here in work had a 15yr old coorolla that he left into a bodyshop to get the paint polished. His yoke was an off red colour very bad looking. They buffed and polished the paint using some special stuff they have and hey presto the paint work looked like new. I thought it was resprayed.



My first car was a 10 year old Astra in red. It had had a total respray so didnt look too bad. but I used to park next to an 8 year old one which looked pink it had faded so badly.

Bennyboy could hire one of those proper electric polishers like this one..http://store4.yimg a treat with the right cutting compound and a squillion times faster than by hand..
