Don't like the wheels or that bumper mask, multispokes, lower offset and it would be perfect.
Massive change.
Bit low for me! At least the wheels don't have the porsche badge on them although with the tyres being so small it looks like a train.
Think the wheels would look better polished imo.
mick dude hows that wee pink dci doing?
that looks well shweeeet. how about vinyl rapping the roof box in lyk a wood efect? would look mint imo, never thought of going rat look? rust bonnet etc?
Saw this at Falkirk on Thur night. Looks 1000000 times better with the bra off, gets plenty of looks too!
roof box, roof, wheels and bagdes are all gettting repainted in certin scheme
wouldnt do rat/ or rusted bonnet, as it just wouldnt fit into the overall look
look closer, youll find the black centre caps ARE porsche badge
yeah but from what you can see i realy think it would look realy good, should photoshop it for comparison,
John has been doin my nut in lol! Supposedly the police were down checkin the 2 cars out yesterday!nope, getting my fingure out to get rid of the 1 on the drive tho![]()
Ken, think its his neighbour actin like a fudd!if it was nicked it would be hidden not in view cracks me up
Not sure if I like it but for me it's unique and I'll give you the credit for that![]()
Any more pics of the camo stuff?
looks fooking posh but imo id change the stretch a little
Car is looking mad.
How do you do the camo painting? Looks amazingly cool.