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The 'I work in I.T' thread


ClioSport Moderator
How things feel sometimes

View attachment 1735495

I f**king hate that whenever anyone tries to create a repository for some sort of information it always ends up outdated, unmaintained and just some random silo of information that dies, and you still don’t end up with something that you need.

Heard myself saying on a call the other day ‘oh we need somewhere to put all this info’ and just thought to myself don’t even go there….. (even though it’s actually needed 😂)
The moment people started creating multiple ways to save/share files in windows it all went down hill.

Teams ‘files’

f**k. Sake.

The worst is when you’ve got a proper job folder setup in sharepoint and some mutant creates a ‘teams site’ for collaboration. Die.


ClioSport Club Member
Or someone starts saving things to a personal OneDrive that you can’t access.

I just hate it all 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Share point is surprisingly s**t i find

Sync issues
Sync delays
File path limits
Site size limits
Native ability to drive map 💩



ClioSport Club Member
  Jim's rejects


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
The American overlords in work have come up with a list of words we can’t use in file names in case they cause offence.

Two of which are “slave” and “master”.

Two weeks ago all the servers, vm’s and file systems got renamed and none of them now work.

They’ve now decided it’s actually ok to offend people as it’s costing money so everything’s been changed back but it still doesn’t work. :ROFLMAO:


ClioSport Club Member
The American overlords in work have come up with a list of words we can’t use in file names in case they cause offence.

Two of which are “slave” and “master”.

Two weeks ago all the servers, vm’s and file systems got renamed and none of them now work.

They’ve now decided it’s actually ok to offend people as it’s costing money so everything’s been changed back but it still doesn’t work. :ROFLMAO:
I remember having to do this back in 2020 when it all kicked off for all our code base and repositories. Couldn’t have slave, master, black lists, white lists. Still have some of the words kicking about which is apparently ok now.

And in a previous job we were the Image Analysis team so someone thought it was hilarious to shorten all folder names to “AnalImages” in shared directories.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
The American overlords in work have come up with a list of words we can’t use in file names in case they cause offence.

Two of which are “slave” and “master”.

Two weeks ago all the servers, vm’s and file systems got renamed and none of them now work.

They’ve now decided it’s actually ok to offend people as it’s costing money so everything’s been changed back but it still doesn’t work. :ROFLMAO:
We’re not allowed to call transformers trannies anymore.

I wish i was joking 😂


ClioSport Club Member
The American overlords in work have come up with a list of words we can’t use in file names in case they cause offence.

Two of which are “slave” and “master”.

Two weeks ago all the servers, vm’s and file systems got renamed and none of them now work.

They’ve now decided it’s actually ok to offend people as it’s costing money so everything’s been changed back but it still doesn’t work. :ROFLMAO:
Go woke, go broke

Wait until they find out about mongoDb


ClioSport Club Member
Ah yes, good old naming conventions.

Had a couple of servers at a previous place of work, ASMAB and ASMAC.

First one was short for “All Senior Managers Are b******s”

You can guess the other one yourself 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Having the usual fun at my place.

We were bought about a year ago by a private equity shop and merged with a complimentary company in the same sector. Unusually, they don’t do the exact same stuff as us and the products mesh together nicely which will improve cross-sell. Actually a smart move for once!

That said, We’ve still gone through the usual 12 months of offshoring and cost cutting, and in the last all hands call they announced the grand strategy was to invest in the products to boost sales, and then sell us in 2 to 3 years time.

I know exactly what that means in reality. It means massive cost cutting, probably another wave or two of offshoring, and essentially tarting up the product without fixing any of the underlying issues while trying to cross sell across our new, larger, existing customer base.

It’s not something I want to be involved in. The constant stress of wondering if your neck is next on the chopping block plus the obvious reduction in quality that we’re going to get from having already got rid of almost all of our experienced developers. Also all the UK devs are already gone and they are really struggling to recruit offshore replacements meaning the team is down to only two thirds of the expected headcount. It’s basically been a clusterfuck. What a shock!

The morale in my customer success team is hideous. We’re starting to see people going off sick with stress and overwork, which is inevitably going to lead to people leaving. I just need to stick it out for one more year and I’ll be in a position to pay off the mortgage. I can then take whatever job I want as long as it pays a half decent wage and not worry, so frankly I’m in an extremely fortunate position as long as I can see out the next year while planning for my exit.

Fun times!


ClioSport Club Member
Having the usual fun at my place.

We were bought about a year ago by a private equity shop and merged with a complimentary company in the same sector. Unusually, they don’t do the exact same stuff as us and the products mesh together nicely which will improve cross-sell. Actually a smart move for once!

That said, We’ve still gone through the usual 12 months of offshoring and cost cutting, and in the last all hands call they announced the grand strategy was to invest in the products to boost sales, and then sell us in 2 to 3 years time.

I know exactly what that means in reality. It means massive cost cutting, probably another wave or two of offshoring, and essentially tarting up the product without fixing any of the underlying issues while trying to cross sell across our new, larger, existing customer base.

It’s not something I want to be involved in. The constant stress of wondering if your neck is next on the chopping block plus the obvious reduction in quality that we’re going to get from having already got rid of almost all of our experienced developers. Also all the UK devs are already gone and they are really struggling to recruit offshore replacements meaning the team is down to only two thirds of the expected headcount. It’s basically been a clusterfuck. What a shock!

The morale in my customer success team is hideous. We’re starting to see people going off sick with stress and overwork, which is inevitably going to lead to people leaving. I just need to stick it out for one more year and I’ll be in a position to pay off the mortgage. I can then take whatever job I want as long as it pays a half decent wage and not worry, so frankly I’m in an extremely fortunate position as long as I can see out the next year while planning for my exit.

Fun times!

My situation isn’t dissimilar to this.

Got purchased by a big American firm who’s grown hugely in the last few years. All extremely disjointed.
They didn’t have a ‘my team’ and only made three people redundant across the whole company in the merger.

But we are also owned by a large PE firm and the expectations boggle the mind.

I think we will get sold again in around 2 years or so. I’m not too concerned as I doubt I’ll be there then anyway, and I make the company more than pretty much any other single staff member.

There’s been positives and negatives. Everything is a mess and communication internally is horrific. However wages are improved and ability to ‘move up’ is definitely broader.

I’m not entirely miserable, but not all that happy either. If and when the job market improves, I may consider a move. Probably self employed tbh.
