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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Tony. Nice long exposures there. I'll be going back to the Thames Barriers next time I'm there and I'll be going for high water as the water was quite low. I've also got a better lens for it so I can crop a bit tighter.
Bens shot looks like Brighton?
Really like the mono shots, Tony.
Aaron is correct - it's Brighton.
We sat and watched sunset at the derelict West Pier the other week.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Haven't posted in ages... As always my pictures are mediocre at best, but they're as good as they get from me lol.



Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
The Tokina won't fit my camera but it was a lens I'd looked at previously. I was looking at the Samyang 14mm 2.8 earlier today as it was heavily reduced on Amazon but I dithered about too much and missed out. Really need to invest in a new tripod instead especially as there are some decent offers at the moment.
I think lens wise I'll go for an opteka 16mm 2.8 as they are about £130.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
@TheEvilGiraffe have you tried a higher ISO for your stars? You'll pick out more stars for your trails. Nice shot by the way, I didn't have much luck with the clouds last night.

The 7 is quite noisy as it is...
That's 400 @7.1 / 9 (can't remember) for 40 seconds.
I need to get a newer camera.... :(
Or find a copy of light room.. Aperture does a few things I don't like when importing.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
The 7 is quite noisy as it is...
That's 400 @7.1 / 9 (can't remember) for 40 seconds.
I need to get a newer camera.... 😧
Or find a copy of light room.. Aperture does a few things I don't like when importing.
Well if you can find a copy of Lightroom just go on YouTube for the code as they don't expire (it doesn't speak to the Internet to check them)

I used to shoot up to 3200 on my 550. There was a bit of noise but it wasn't too bad. Always shot as low as I could too f3.5/4 (2.8 on my newer lens) and just changed the shutter speed to suit.

I think I was shooting at 15 seconds,2.8 and ISO 4000 last night.
Some good stuff here recently as always.
Really like the black and white star shot, Aaron.

I've been talked into doing another 365 Project - one photo per day for the whole of 2015!
I last did one in 2011 - album here:

I'm doing it primarily on Instagram this time round using my Canon DSLR and Galaxy S5 to take photos.
If anyone is interested, follow me @hobs_hobson on Instagram or

The first photo was taken in Notting Hill this morning:

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
How was the road getting to it? First time i went it was flooded. Hour and a half drive for nothing! Good roads around there though.

You should have checked out Revolution bike park while you were there.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
How was the road getting to it? First time i went it was flooded. Hour and a half drive for nothing! Good roads around there though.

You should have checked out Revolution bike park while you were there.
You mean the single-track road about 6 miles long? Yeah it was a nightmare... Not flooded, just a pain in the arse every time I met something coming the other way. Worth it though, it really is impressive!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah that's the one. I want to go back there in the summer and get a milky way shot. Had a brew and cake at the little cafe last time I was there too which was nice. You can camp but I think you have to be a member and pays yearly fee.

Took this today in work. Yet another Windfarm shot.

Just another sunset
by A_Cro, on Flickr
Really like the Shard photo, Tony! The jogger in that reflection photo must have thought I was crazy messing about in a muddy puddle.
  Clio Sport 172
Hey guys,
Amazing photos from everyone! @v15ben like the idea of the 365 project!

I have a Canon SLR and a standard digital point and shoot, haven't really used the Canon so all my photos are from the standard camera. Plan for this year is learn how to use the SLR as I like most of my shots but they would benefit from the extra definition from the better camera. Added a few of mine below :)


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Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Get reading the stickies at the top of the photography section Rache, there's some really good pointers for everyone.

Ben, love the middle shot of the three. I need to get to some woods early morning with the hope of some fog. I have the woods in mind, just having the time to get there!
Tony, I think I spotted that shot on TP. Really nice, good tones and the clouds look really nice. I wish I had skies like that when I was in London!
Welcome Rache. You have some good photos there!

Funnily enough the fog shots were taken at lunchtime. It's been like that all day here. Very odd but good for photos.
