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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

Emma says the lines aren't straight, talk to the farmer!

I say it looks great, am getting back into the camera now too so might get something good enough to post up

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Went for a walk up a mountain yesterday in Abergavenney, took some photos of crazy people.


IMG_1909 by mattwillcox, on Flickr

Also spotted a Ferrari in my local pubs carpark :)


IMG_1846 by mattwillcox, on Flickr
  197 FF Glacier White

Doesn't look real, it is of course! Blows me away every time I see it against the general back drop of old Manchester.

i tried changing the colour of the sky but am really not very good with PS yet, learning all the time though..


Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Took this on Sunday, pretty much full zoom. Didn't come out as crisp as i would have liked but not too bad for my first attempt at catching the "roost"

And this was one of my first tracking shots. Again, didn't come out great but the more i do, the better they will be (hopefully). I think i need a longer shutter speed for this one.
Love the Beagle shots! (Beagle owner/lover myself)

Went out to try that location I found while walking the dog. The sunset wasn't as good as I was hoping, but I shall return when it looks as if it'll be better!

Liking the waterscapes on this page :)

First attempt at star trails! It didn't go so well, mostly because I'm still trying to get my head around Nikon's interval timing function!!

  Fiesta ST-3
Liking the waterscapes on this page :)

First attempt at star trails! It didn't go so well, mostly because I'm still trying to get my head around Nikon's interval timing function!!


Cracking shot Dan. I wish my Nikon had interval timing function built in. How many shots over what exposures layered is that mate?
That was 93 photos (30s each) over a 45 min period.

Just this second I've figured out how to get it to do what I originally wanted it do to lol! I might try again tonight, not sure yet.
Messing about in the garden before I go for a ride:


EVERY photography needs a Manfrotto 035 clamp and tripod head combo. They rock! You can attach it to anything (within reason!)

I hope to get on a proper trail and do it again, but don't want to take my camera on a ride :(
Yep. NDx8 filter, and 1 second shutter speed.


Couldn't have been an easier shot to do. It would look 100x better if the bike was on a proper trail though. I rode an awesome one today, might go back tomorrow.
  2.2 bar shed.
Went out and bought another lens to complete my king crop combo.


17 - 55 2.8 IS. IS on it is fantastic, hand holding half second exposures is doable at 17mm. I'll be taking it back though as it just doesnt quite work for me. Renders some fantastic photos though....


End of the day I need to go full frame and quit f**king around.
Shadowness... Loving the bike shot above :)

Quick question, with the 1 second shutter speed how fast was the bike actually moving in that image? Complete photo newbie and I have heard that the illusion of speed can actually be generated by moving fairly slowly with long shutter speed.

Cheers, Sam

I wasn't actually on the bike. I just had my hands on the bars and pushed it very slowly. A VERY slow walking pace, if you go too fast the camera shakes too much.
