Thanks Bully. No just exposed manually, took 5 portraits shots in a row and stitched them with PS then slightly tweaked the colours.
Wow the standard has improved in here (no offence intended to anyone!) Back when I came in here before the photos weren't anywhere near as good.
Anyway here's one from our recent visit to NYC, a panorama of Time Square. I didn't expect it to come out well at all as I just stood there and took 5 photos as quickly as possible with no tripod and it came out great (apart from a half invisible man but meh!).
Love this. Would make a wicked canvas.
Had a bit of a play with this one... I tend to stick to the same boring stuff with my shots so decided to just play a bit more with this one, still not heavily altered but more than usual
To avoid getting the walkway in the frame, there is a little 'jetty' thing that sticks out a bit further to the left, step over the chains and your good to go! NB this assumes you were just outside of St Katharines Dock.
Also the image is very soft, I suspect due to using f32 (diffraction kicks in after f11 on aps-c). Try a nd filter if you wish to slow the exposure time, hth.