Riiiight, singed up to 14 days free on PSN and it does an automatic subscription which I am fine with. When it does renew will it be monthly or charge me for a year?
Have you got BF4 premium @TomSx - means you can get access to the DLC earlier. (Second Assualt maps are great)
Personally i'd be waiting for 2014 releases. DriveClub, The Order, Infamous, WatchDogs, Thief etc.
No I cant say I do. Just getting a little bored with have two games which are similar. (in style)
I downloaded the beta J.
It then took me to create an account, which took a while then it wanted me to do something else, then a massive download (after the initial download) so I sacked it off.
Am I correct in thinking Thief is out now?
Debating trading the xbox one in for a ps4, all it ever does is crash and shut down.
Is yours also one of the lucky few that still reads discs........Mine hasn't crashed once. Take it back to the retailer.
Is yours also one of the lucky few that still reads discs........
I'm about to find out- move to my new place tomorrow and dunno when I get the internet back!