AFAIK these 21:9 IPS panels are not 120hz.
I roll 120 at the moment, but TBH it means little for games unless you're playing a five year old title.
AFAIK these 21:9 IPS panels are not 120hz.
I roll 120 at the moment, but TBH it means little for games unless you're playing a five year old title.
A further 1,600 would be required including a 3rd GPU. Can't justify it for the little time it gets used, I only bought the one because I was bored lol. Had to buy the GF an iPad mini for semi justifience. You can hide GPU's you can't hide f*ck off monitors
You can hide GPU's you can't hide f*ck off monitors
Double LOLz!!!Lol. My m8's wife noticed that the BIOS POST screen was different and asked him if he'd upgraded the PC without her knowing? Ouch.....
Double LOLz!!!
Talking of GPU's mine went pop last night so I'm back to rocking...... SLI'd nVidia 8800 GTX's. How things have moved on in the GPU world!!!!
Hate changing PSU. Possibly the biggest job you can ever undertake in your PC.