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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC, XBOX ONE, PS4)


ClioSport Club Member
Ah s**t... happily hacking 'n' slicing my way through this and I've hit a bug that means I can't do the quest 😧 FFS! I've loaded up several previous save games and they all get stuck at the same point in the quest 😧 Gutted. I hope it gets patched soon. I've gone up a few more levels...



...and this is where it gets stuck. Can't do a thing other than access the main game menu... *sigh*


EDIT: Found a workaround :) On with the game...
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  Evo 5 RS
Nice Wolven armour! I'm not too far away from crafting Grandmaster Feline :smiley:. Christ, how come you've got so many dyes? I can only craft white and grey currently, and have a few odd ones.

I've got a Michael Jackson thing going on with the Viper armour.


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ClioSport Club Member
LOL! I'm liking the Michael Jackson 'thing' :)

Nice Wolven armour! I'm not too far away from crafting Grandmaster Feline :smiley:. Christ, how come you've got so many dyes? I can only craft white and grey currently, and have a few odd ones.

Yeah, it's pretty good armour. There are some higher level items that have better specs but I'm a sucker for the complete Wolven setup and the perks it brings. There are some nice Level 78 items in my possession I'd like to try but I'm still a few hundred points short of that level. As for the dyes... I've not actually used any of them yet. Most of them I found by simply going through the side quests (Blood and Wine). I tend to do all the side quests, treasure hunts, etc. before continuing the main quest. If any further additional quests come up then I'll go off and do those before continuing the main quest. I've got so much loot and stash I don't know what to do with it. In all the time I've been playing through the Blood and Wine DLC (and I think I must be coming towards the end of it now) I've not had to buy any additional stones, runes, food... nothing whatsoever. In my stash chest I must have a couple hundred items of high value armour that I could probably sell. The problem has been finding blacksmiths and armourers with enough money to buy my items. Thankfully some of the traders in Blood and Wine and multiple 10's of thousands of coin.


ClioSport Club Member
That swords a beast, init!
To be honest it made the end of the game easier than the skirmishes that led up to that point! I had it sat in my inventory but didn't use it at first. I was using the sword (Level 78 item, forget its name) that dealt 980-odd damage. The fact that you can power up the potency / lethality of the weapon with successful strikes makes it quite the weapon to possess!

I found the end of the Blood and Wine story line pretty cool and enjoyable. I won't post spoilers (and it won't win any prizes for the most intriguing plot line) but it had some nice parts to it; some weird-ass stuff, some cool stuff, nice direction on the cut-scenes to move the story along and the obligatory boss-like battles. Will there be a Witcher 4 though...? I hope so.


ClioSport Club Member
Thought my ps4 was fekked this morning as it randomly spat the disc out and wouldn't take it back. It was destiny though so may have been in disgust to the fact bungie want instant payment for the next dlc, which I'd just looked at in the store!
All is good now though so I think i best crack on with this. I've still not got to a point where i can start blood and wine!


ClioSport Club Member
How do I work Gwent? I think I played once at the beginning.. I'm in Novigrad now I think, level 15. Should I go back to the starting areas and beat people there first?


ClioSport Club Member
How do I work Gwent? I think I played once at the beginning.. I'm in Novigrad now I think, level 15. Should I go back to the starting areas and beat people there first?
That might work.

I found you need to keep up with it from the beginning really though, because many encounters and cards will become missable by progressing the story and then your deck won't be good enough to compete later on.

I know though back near release lots of people complained about the cards being missable because so many people just paid no attention to gwent when they got the game because they just wanted to kill things - they were working on making every card available even if you missed the encounter, not sure if that's been implemented though.

I did two play throughs, and it wasn't until the second that I played gwent.

Glad I did though, might have a go at the new individual game, I though gwent was good, satisfying tactically.


ClioSport Club Member
I found you need to keep up with it from the beginning really though, because many encounters and cards will become missable by progressing the story and then your deck won't be good enough to compete later on.

I know though back near release lots of people complained about the cards being missable because so many people just paid no attention to gwent when they got the game because they just wanted to kill things - they were working on making every card available even if you missed the encounter, not sure if that's been implemented though.
Agreed - it's a game you need to pick up and play from the start. Stick with it, too... I hated it at first but actually grew to quite enjoy a round or two of Gwent. It's important that you talk to EVERY single trader, blacksmith, alchemist, etc. as your work through the game otherwise you will inevitably miss some. As @Jack! says, there are some early cards that can be missed and - if you progress the story past a certain point - you can't go back and get them. I believe this is still the case on the latest patch / update to the game. There are 199 cards to collect (not including the new Skellige faction introduced in the Blood and Wine DLC) and you will need every single one to complete the "Collect 'em all" quest. It's probably the toughest quest in the entire game.


ClioSport Club Member
I know I missed the Red Baron card, as there's a quest that tells me I did. I am quite enjoying just killing all the things, though.


ClioSport Club Member
Been having fun with this again. Managed to craft my way to the enhanced griffin armor/sword set and am level 18. Not gone to Skellige yet!


ClioSport Club Member
I didn't go to Skellige until I was level 23. Most of the missions were below me by then.
I finished off the white orchard missions today but had a real struggle continuing. The fight in the tavern with 5 or 6 locals was hell. 2 hits and i was dead. I had to swap some character abilities tonget through it. I think I'll have to start trying some decoctions this run, I never used them first time around but deffo need all the help i can get now.


ClioSport Club Member
Ah crap, I've shot myself in the foot with this one! :( I spent ages last night deleting LOADS of old save games (in excess of 100) and just kept a few of the more key saves. Sadly I accidentally deleted the save game that included the completion of the base game... which means I CANNOT start an NG+ game. FFS! All I can do is continue with my current save (just shy of Level 83) and try to find some minor quests I may have missed on the map or start again from scratch. *sigh*


ClioSport Club Member
Oops. I am fairly addicted to Gwent now :eek:
I'm near enough at the point where I could play a game and do well against most people I come up against with every deck type. If I play with the Northern Realms one I don't lose. Think I have 4 heroes in that one now (are there more than that?)


ClioSport Club Member
Gwent does kinda grow on you :smile: Yes, there are more than 4 hero cards. A few more to go yet.
That's only 4 for Northern Realms, I have probably the same number for the other factions now too. I discovered I already had the Bloody Barons card, and I made sure not to take coins over the 3 cards you get from the dwarf for helping him


ClioSport Club Member
Ah, got you. Yep, there are 4 or so Hero cards per faction :) Generally won via the Gwent challenge quests (I think). Sounds like you've probably got the majority of them (if not all).


ClioSport Club Member
I take it there's no point getting either of the expansions yet, only level 20 and doubt I'm near done with the main story yet. The side stories are so much fun.


ClioSport Club Member
Well... that's gone and ruined the game for me 😧 I've only just found out that the reason I can't start another NG+ game is due to the fact that, once you've completed an NG+ game, you can't stack another one on top of it. Basically an NG+ run-through is a one-shot affair. That sucks major donkey balls. Basically I can no longer progress my character or continue to level up! That's frustrating as I'm stuck at level 82 and I have level 84 and level 85 items in my inventory and with traders 😧 As I've also deleted my 'old' save games I can't start a new NG+ game from one of those as - well - I've deleted them. After putting 260 hours into this game I'm quite pissed off now as I'm stuck. There's no way I'm going to start again from level 1.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well... that's gone and ruined the game for me 😧 I've only just found out that the reason I can't start another NG+ game is due to the fact that, once you've completed an NG+ game, you can't stack another one on top of it. Basically an NG+ run-through is a one-shot affair. That sucks major donkey balls. Basically I can no longer progress my character or continue to level up! That's frustrating as I'm stuck at level 82 and I have level 84 and level 85 items in my inventory and with traders 😧 As I've also deleted my 'old' save games I can't start a new NG+ game from one of those as - well - I've deleted them. After putting 260 hours into this game I'm quite pissed off now as I'm stuck. There's no way I'm going to start again from level 1.
That sounds a proper shitter m8. I guess that's always a risk with the RPG type games. There are so many levels of story paths, encounters, dead ends, etc that you can end up being railroaded down a situation that he game won't let you 'back out' of.

I'd be pissed if I'd put 260 hours into it and had your situation too!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I know I missed the Red Baron card, as there's a quest that tells me I did. I am quite enjoying just killing all the things, though.

Isn't there....

  • Gravity
  • Magnetism
  • Time
  • Cookie killing and destroying things in games

.....that represent the four constants of the known universe? :wink:


ClioSport Club Member
That sounds a proper shitter m8. I guess that's always a risk with the RPG type games. There are so many levels of story paths, encounters, dead ends, etc that you can end up being railroaded down a situation that he game won't let you 'back out' of.

I'd be pissed if I'd put 260 hours into it and had your situation too!
I'm actually feeling really deflated! :blush: I've absolutely loved this game (and the storylines) and badly want to play through again, albeit not starting from level 1! I wanted to hit level 100 :( Oh well, it's not to be.

On a different note, patch v1.22 has been released with fixes and updates for the base game as well as all DLC and both expansion packs :)


ClioSport Club Member
How many hours had you put in? I'm up to 46 hours now. 22 of those from this week :blush:


There you go - 261 hours and 24 minutes.

One thing I have noticed... the new patch has now screwed up my level, too! Sure, I'm level 82 but according to the stats (top-right) I should have rolled onto level 83 when I hit 2000 experience points... Time to drop a message on the game's bugs forum.

This has become my favourite weapon (below, Aerondight). It's definitely a beast!



ClioSport Club Member
Damn, and there I was happy with my enhanced griffin gear :eek:
I have access to the master swordsmith now, hopefully can get something awesome
  Evo 5 RS
Which suit to pick out . :smiley:


Interestingly here it says I've only been playing for 70+ hours. Steam says 190 lol.

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ClioSport Club Member
Every single mission and quest now complete - only 3 failed missions (1 of which was due to a bug in an earlier version of the game). The toughest mission was getting all the f**king Gwent cards!



ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, f**k that. On your own there mate. Like f**k am collecting all the cards.
LOL! Yep - it was my last outstanding quest and I wasn't sure if I'd missed something earlier in the game that meant I wouldn't be able to complete the mission! After a quick look on the game forum the fact that the quest was still available suggested it was still 'live' and could be completed (had I messed up somewhere the quest would have been listed as failed). I eventually found the card for sale with one of the traders. No idea how I'd missed it during my mammoth play-through of the game but absolutely chuffed I've completed it now! I've also got the complete Skellige set that was offered as part of the Blood and Wine expansion (although that does not contribute to the Collect 'em All quest).

And on that note, here's a rendition of Priscilla's song. I don't think I've posted it before (I could be wrong)...

EDIT: I really like the game music / soundtracks to games like Skyrim, Witcher 3, etc. :tonguewink:
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
So I finally got round to playing this game since owning it from release day. I don't really know why I held off, I guess most of my time was just used on Dota 2 and then I was also waiting for the release of the 1080 as I have a 1440p monitor.

Anyway. This is probably the best game I have ever played. End of.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Ok, so I have a slight issue. After playing Witcher for over 100 hours, it has fast become the best game I've ever played. It is better than Half Life 2, and that's seriously saying something.

Anyway, any other game I play now just feels utter s**t. It's literally made every other game I play feel under-whelming :(


ClioSport Club Member
I just started playing this again to play through the DLC, and you're right, it's the best game ever made, by some margin too IMO. When you consider it's quantity, and then consider the quality of all that quantity, it's f**king incredible. When you consider all that this game gave for £40, it makes every other game you paid £40 for look like daylight robbery.

Also, I noticed they're on patch 1.41 or something like that now, and they're still going, a game that was released over a year ago, and has no online mode, and they're still making it better now.


ClioSport Club Member
When I started blood & wine the other month I was very surprised to see that all the inventory etc had been totally overhauled! Like you say for an old game the support is amazing. I must go back and finish b & w too.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
There's nothing I don't like about the game, all of it is superb.

I recently did the quest where you all get pissed up at the castle and then drunk dial some bitches. I've genuinely not laughed that much at a video game in years :D
