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The XBox One Thread

  1.8 Civic EX
Dont my get thief its s**te its like a game from the original playstation with the loading times

I'm quite enjoying it, although I've got no clue what I'm really doing. Maybe going straight in on the hardest difficulty was a bad idea, but I'm sticking with it. Graphics aren't too bad and I'm not bothered by load times. If the game is enjoyable then thats the main thing for me.

My biggest gripe with it is that there is no ingame option to adjust the brightness settings, you actually have to adjust the TV settings which I don't wan't to do as it's set perfect for everything else, so the game is all a bit dark.


ClioSport Club Member
Can we expect the games being release in Q4 of this year to be getting up to the sort of levels capable off next gen? Fifa 15, COD etc? Really want one, but all I've played for 3 years is COD or Fifa so until I can see a noticable difference in the games there isn't
really much point in me buying one.
  1.8 Civic EX
tbh you are limiting yourself somewhat in your choice of games as COD and Fifa are two of the games that are least likely to change in any way other than a graphics boost, and COD has just got worse and worse since the first Modern Warefare. Ghosts is utterly shocking.


ClioSport Club Member
I suppose you are right. I'm not sayin I wouldn't invest in other games, but I get very little chance to play, and whenever I do it is always Fifa.
  1.8 Civic EX
It's possibly the main role out of the updates that have been trialled over the last week or so. Friend notifications etc


ClioSport Club Member
Anyone else's XBone acting up today? Mine won't load the Store etc, it logs into Live, but I just get the loading swirls on each side of the home screen.

It's also been refusing to load games etc. it's going to become an expensive garden ornament at this rate!
  Fiesta ST
Anyone else's XBone acting up today? Mine won't load the Store etc, it logs into Live, but I just get the loading swirls on each side of the home screen.

It's also been refusing to load games etc. it's going to become an expensive garden ornament at this rate!

Same issue here.
If anyone has bought downloads successfully from the US store can you give a quick run down?
If i change my location on the Xbox to the US is that all i need to do?
Think the Forza Car pass is 3/4 the price on there.
  Arctic Blue 182
You probably need to link it through a vpn/proxy to change your IP address to an american one. Google it and all shall be revealed!
  Honda. Tesla Someday
ANOTHER Xbox One update round the corner! Upload directly to YouTube! They're adding features at an insanely fast rate nowadays!
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
You probably need to link it through a vpn/proxy to change your IP address to an american one. Google it and all shall be revealed!

Not at all.

System settings, US

LOGIN to your account and add credit card and registered address to a hotel or something.

Login to xbox pay and download from store, flick it back to UK.

  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Part of a credit card authorisation is post code validation.

I am very surprised you can add your own credit card with a US billing address and have it work.
  330i, Alfa 147 & SP1
Here ya go, full your boots

Guide for xbox one

The xbox and games are region free, but currency isn't. Even if you download the games this way all updates and any DLC you may want will be available from your native store OR the USA store.

First off what you need to do is change the region your xbox is set to. (This is only temporary and can be changed back and to however many regions you like)

To do this press XBOX GUIDE BUTTON and go to SETTINGS go to SYSTEM go to LOCATION/REGION change to USA. (You do not need to change language or anything else) now RESTART your xbox.

When you restart your Xbox go to the store and have a look at the games to buy (they should all be in $ dollars) the top games are $59.99 or less.

To get games at £33
Now what you need to do is get some Microsoft credit to buy these games. You may be able to find a site of your choice, but I use a site called (use your UK or home country details for this) they usually email you the codes within 30 minutes. If you buy a $10 and a $50 live card from these it works out at £33. (I think buying 2x $30 works out even less) if you are registering on this site, when it comes to telephone confirmation (they ring you with a code) remember to knock the first "0" off your number. And add your country code, for Britain it is "44"
Sometimes this site is out of stock of cards, I have put a lot of customers onto them in a short amount of time. Obviously if they are out of stock that is beyond my control. They have been restocking every few days, so keep trying.

This next way to get even cheaper is a little trickier.
To get games at anything from £20-£30
You need to go to not (this is the American eBay site) and do a search for "Microsoft store credit" this is officially to buy windows apps and stuff, but it will also work on xbox live, these have time limits on them so read the descriptions, they have got to be used within a certain time. These can be bought very cheap around $17 for a $25 card. You need to contact the seller most times to ask if they will ship to uk. It's only an emailed code. This can make the games around £20 if you get them cheap enough and depending on the current exchange rate. Some people are reporting email addresses are not working on the USA eBay. I have not had this problem as my email address is .com. So you might need to get a .com address. I think gmail do one.

I have also included a link to make buying using paypal even cheaper.

If you want to test all this out I recommend buying a $10 card and buying Lococycle (it is currently $9.99 around £5.75) Peggie 2 is cheap as well and is brilliant.

Now when you have your codes go back to your xbox and say "xbox use a code" or whatever method you use for redeeming codes on your xbox. Now enter the code(s) you got sent. Make sure you do this whilst you are in the American store.

Once you have the money in your USA stores wallet, go ahead and buy a game of your choosing.

It will ask you for a billing address. Put these details in.

STATE-- Nevada

ADDRESS LINE 1-- you can use any street name I just used THE STREET


TELEPHONE-- 702 607 7777

This is the postal code and telephone number of The Pelazzio hotel. You can change these if you want, you would have to google around to see different details. Nothing ever gets sent there or any telephone calls ever made.

When you have done this your game will download and you can play. You can change back to your own region and the game is still available. As promised as well, Titanfall will release on 11/03 rather than 14/03 on the USA store so you can download and play the game early. As well as many other games that release in the USA xbox store. This method worked for Tomb Raider which released early.

If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to drop me an email at and I will do my best to help you out. Have fun gaming and at nearly half the price it would usually cost.

I will add more sites as I find them where to get American xbox currency from here.

Amazon sell them


The second guide is if you would like to pay for games straight from Microsoft using paypal. This will make the games around £38 depending on exchange rates

Paypal guide

1. Go to and log in to your account.

2. Next to your profile at the top right of the screen it should say 'UK– Personal Account.' Click on it to see whether it is a drop down box where you can select 'US – Personal Account.' If you can, select it and then go to the Payment Options and then select 'Add Payment option' and follow the steps to add your PayPal account. If you don't have the drop down box with a US account option, then log out of your account and continue as follows.

3. Go to the US Xbox Store –

4. Select the game you want to purchase and then click on the 'Buy now for Xbox One' button. This will open a box where it will only give you the option to add a credit card. Adding a credit card will create the 'US – Personal Account' option needed in your account.

5. Add your UK credit card details but enter a US address*. Once you've added the card and when it prompts you to confirm payment, cancel the transaction.

*NOTE: Enter an address for a state that does not have sales tax on digital games. I used the same details that is in the guide. If you have done the other guide at all, an address should already be there.

6. Return to and login again and you should have the option to select 'US – Personal Account'. Follow the process as per step 2 to add your PayPal account.

7. Once PayPal is added, remove your credit card that you added in step 5.

8. Return to the US Xbox Store and you will now be able to purchase your game with your UK PayPal account.
  Yaris Hybrid
Last night I briefly played Titanfall but that was gone midnight.

I played Forza a bit earlier and it seemed to be connecting online.
