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THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

  e60 M5 -172- dciheid
oh yes iv seen some sheds, this is the winner

  Porsche Boxster987S
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

utter garbage

however i like the background. Parkhead ftw:rasp:
  Static Low
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

thats a fuckin disgrace man.
how can someone enjoy looking at that ?
  F1 R26 #1939 265BHP
hopefully with that boeing 747 wing on he will launch it into space and off this planet for good!
  E30 318iS x2
Never understand the mentality.

How can some one do that, stand back n think 'YE MAYTE THAS KWL'


ClioSport Club Member
  986'S 172ph1+182FF
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

lmfao, i bet he thinks it looks really cool max power styley, i bet he tells his mates its really really fast like brmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:rasp:
bet its built on the cheap like the park behind it aswell :p

i bet the downforce from that fighter jet wing is keeps it planted when cornering at 40mph
  E30 318iS x2
I saw a clio by me, parked next to it all cool like.

Looked at the spoiler and no joke it was a wind break, full on at 90degs to the roof, like wtf.
  b/g 182, meg tourer
there is one simelar to that near to where i live. i pretty much vomit everytime i look at it. i wonder if he realises that people are looking at his car thinking what a pile of sh!t... not, wow thats amazing!
  Clio on SL 2118s
Re: THEEE biggest bag of w**k ever

oh no... its an 03 so it makes you think if they can afford a newish one then they can afford tasteful mods. infact i bet tasteful mods are cheaper. oh well, each to their own i suppose.
  Iceburg 172FF
There is a black 1.2 near me with the same kit on but the spoiler looks even worse if that possible :S
