I completed my MCDST last year, did a couple of MCITP's this year, and almost finished my exams for my MCSA in Server 2003. Just the dreaded 291 exam left.
Def the best route I found, I've been in IT 3 years and it's a pretty good certification track.
is that the one which covers everything? not a nice one, lots to revise for.
I have certifications coming out of my arse tbh, i have MCSE, VCP (vmware certified professional - my hardest exam), STS (symantec technical specialist), too many HP ones to list including MASE (master accredited systems engineer) in servers, blades and storage, doubletake, lefthand install engineer, emc blah blah blah.
I am known as the company exam ho, cos i always pass, i mainly specialise in vmware, blades and hp storage though at the moment, so i do have experience in most of the certifications i hold, its a lot of hard work though, getting them and keeping them current. I think you need a balance of experience on the job and the letters to back it all up really, thats what customers and potential employers want to see.
Sometimes, when companies are asking for certain accreditations, its not all about getting someone who has them so they know about the subject, its also about getting certain accreditations as a reseller etc, if you can employ someone who already has them it saves them paying out for all the training etc.
I was headhunted by a company, and while they wanted me for my skills, they also wanted me as i had all the accreditations to fullfill their entire hp accreditation needs in one go a few weeks before the deadline for them needing to have them.
I didn't go as my company wanted to keep me, but its all weapons, and in the industry as it is at the moment, the more weapons you can have, the better off you will be, never turn down training.