Right I am pissed off with the pictures being put on here who gave any1 permission to put them on here also; for all you people who are making assumptions, I think the main thing is I got out alive,
I would like to thank Jon r for his comment as well as gally:
"Let's not jump to conclusions. I'm still not sure thats a write off tbh.
Also the guy isn't here to answer back, so it's perhaps a little unfair. Maybe something broke on the car, we've no idea."
So to answer you various childish comments:
Roy Munson:
"BTW I think it's fairly likely that the geezer just binned it being a hero"
Wrong I wasnt being a "Hero".
"I'm going to guess it was straight up ran out of talent, tbh if he was in my ph1, he wouldn't have had a problem"
Sorry didnt see you at the crash scene so how can you comment.
"What a waste of a 200. Lack of talent, fail. Did it have Recaro's?"
Waste of 200 yes, Lack of talent, sorry forgot you was there
Yes it had Recaros
I came round with the car on its side (thats why the n/s mirror is broken), and BEFORE I get any emails etc asking for bits, I wont be replying to them.