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Took my new lens for a day out at the Zoo

Ordered my second-hand Nikon 300mm AF-S f4 on Thursday, arrived yesterday so I thought I would take it for a test drive today. Left for Marwell at 8:30 this morning and arrived dead on opening (10am), spent the full opening hours there enjoying the sunshine and the quietness of it all.

Anyhow, resisted the urge to take my baby (80-200 2.8) so I just shot with the new 300 all day, also did a final circuit of the zoo with the Nikon 1.4x on at the end of the day, so it was a 420mm 5.6.

Verdict? Effing marvelous. Feels quite a bit like the 80-200, just a bit thinner and lighter, autofocus is pretty rapid and tracks moving subjects well, but it can take a little while to find them in the first place (I'm comparing this to my 80-200 AF-S though, which is lightning fast). Quality seems good; considering I was shooting handheld and it was incredibly cold I couldn't have asked for much more, also need to remember I was shooting through fences, so that does have an effect.

Only downside is me, with the 80-200 at the Zoo you don't get close enough to worry about how aperture might effect things too much (i.e. if you are locked onto a nose you know the eyes will be sharp), but at 300/420 it really does make a big difference, I've got some superb shots of Meerkats where the nose is razor sharp, but it's already out of focus before it reaches the eyes! One to remember for next time.

Some pics...







and a cheeky one to finish...



ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
Awesome pics! You should contact the shop at marwell, you could probably sell prints of those easily
some awesome pics there mate.
Loving the meercat one at the end.....
I would send that off to a camera mag......guarantee it would get a mention.
ste 172...asks "are you a pro photographer"???
thats the effect a 300mm f4/f2.8 gives to the image when you get it right

well done mate.
damn you!! im trying to resist buying that 350D lol

awsome pics, simply stunning. how much did the lense cost 2nd hand? If i was to start this hobby i think i would have to rely on second hand prices.
damn you!! im trying to resist buying that 350D lol

awsome pics, simply stunning. how much did the lense cost 2nd hand? If i was to start this hobby i think i would have to rely on second hand prices.

£400 second hand (£800 new iirc), so my 80-200 and 300mm cost me £900 in total, not bad considering that's over £2k of lens brand new.

Got it for motorsport mainly, works really really well with 1.4x telecoverter so I have all the range I need now.


ClioSport Club Member
awesome chris.

Just goes to show that the megapixel count means nothing. Decent glass and a good eye is where its at.
awesome chris.

Just goes to show that the megapixel count means nothing. Decent glass and a good eye is where its at.

Yeah ok, rub it in, I have a 6mp camera ;)

Found it quite funny actually, got a k850i phone as a free upgrade last week, 5mp! Not far behind my main camera. 100% pointless in every way though, unless they figure a way to shoehorn a better/bigger sensor into a phone the ever-increasing mp count will just make things worse (low light shots on it are horrific). DSLRs have levelled off nicely (between 6 and 12 seems optimum with current technology) so hopefully compacts and phones will settle down as well.
  Revels Mum & Sister
Awesome piccys I noticed them on Flickr. Nice and sharp. Very impressed fella as allways
  172 Race Car
Better make sure our cars are in perfect condition for the 'field. You will pick up every minor detail with that.

Stunning shots Chris
  1.8 Civic EX
stunning! your pics are always so sharp...

i've yet to take my 55-200 to the the zoo yet. 18-42 couldn't get close enough last time i went..

® Andy

ClioSport Club Member
  Illiad V6 255
I'm a member at Marwell, and it's lovely going there with a long lense!

A weeny bit from me too from over the last year :eek:.




And then I was lucky enough to get a behind the scenes tour of the tropical house by the senior keeper, who's a keen photographer too :).





So any of you keen photographers on the south coast, get down there and support Marwell with your hard earned cash ;).
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Tropics pics are superb, I usually avoid those areas unless I'm looking around properly with the other half, as it's impossible to take pics.

I'm jealous though, realised it cost me £20 to drive there and back today. If it was a bit closer I would get a pass in an instant, it's so cheap.

® Andy

ClioSport Club Member
  Illiad V6 255
Tropics pics are superb, I usually avoid those areas unless I'm looking around properly with the other half, as it's impossible to take pics.

I'm jealous though, realised it cost me £20 to drive there and back today. If it was a bit closer I would get a pass in an instant, it's so cheap.
The killer with the picture in the tropical house is the lower light - especially when I'm shooting at the zoomed end of things. I almost always shoot on ISO100, and so eg. the rose tarantula was shot hand held at 1/3 of second!

It is great having Marwell just down the road though. If the weather's OK and we've nothing else to do, we'll just pop down for a walk around like it was our local park :D.
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Better make sure our cars are in perfect condition for the 'field. You will pick up every minor detail with that.

Stunning shots Chris

all he'll get is a photo of an inch square of bodywork unless he's stood 14miles away!

great pics dude. wish i was nearer, id pay that in an instant.

and andy, cool pics dude, good job tarantulas are like rocks!

i know how you feel about 100iso. got an fz50 aswell for when i havent got space / time for big slr or need video.
f**king annoying eh?
awesome chris.

Just goes to show that the megapixel count means nothing. Decent glass and a good eye is where its at.

this man speaks sense.....I think so crap now.
ITS getting crazy its becoming like Argos stereo has 1000 argos watts lol

its all about the glass
Better make sure our cars are in perfect condition for the 'field. You will pick up every minor detail with that.

all he'll get is a photo of an inch square of bodywork unless he's stood 14miles away!

pmsl, that is a concern at the airfield, the cars aren't exactly far away at the best of times. I could probably do some tax-disc checking right down to the barcodes.
Here is an example of 'too much glass and not enough talent' as I was mentioning in my original post, excited by the prospect of f4 at 300mm I -of course- started shooting at f4, which doesn't really work in all situations...

You wouldn't find a sharper picture of a Meerkat nose, but the rest leaves a lot to be desired!


It's all a learning experience I guess, at least I won't make that mistake again.
Makes me want a longer lens too. I was toying with the idea of chopping in the 70-200 for a 100-400 but that on top of everything else would probably get me a divorce. :)
Here is an example of 'too much glass and not enough talent' as I was mentioning in my original post, excited by the prospect of f4 at 300mm I -of course- started shooting at f4, which doesn't really work in all situations...

You wouldn't find a sharper picture of a Meerkat nose, but the rest leaves a lot to be desired!


It's all a learning experience I guess, at least I won't make that mistake again.

That's rediculous! LOL

I need some more lenses :(
  1.8 Civic EX
showed the missus these pics yesterday (she loves animals)...guess where I'm now going for valentines lol, it's only about an hour and a half from me.

What F stop were you using on the tiger pics Chris f4?
showed the missus these pics yesterday (she loves animals)...guess where I'm now going for valentines lol, it's only about an hour and a half from me.

What F stop were you using on the tiger pics Chris f4?

You will love it there, such a great place.

Yep it was f4 for the tiger shots, they were much further away than the Meerkats so I didn't lose any detail with those.
