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Top 5 Games...

  172 Race Car
GP2 is the pinnacle of F1 racing games, all otherwise are inferior.

True story
Have to agree, the later ones were not as good either. I loved the hack to add in the later seasons cars. someone probably still produces update packs for it
  172 Flamer
Morrowind (including Oblivion and Skyrim)
C&C: Tiberian Sun
Final Fantasy 7
CoD Modern Warfare 2
Golden Eye N64

Not in any particular order :approve:


ClioSport Club Member
  RB182 B7RS4 Mk2GTE
Again in no particular order.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
God of War
Dirt 3
Devil May Cry
Metal Gear Solid
  Listerine & Poledo
That looks proper.

It was / is

In those "Advanced" settings, you had more things to fiddle with than any Codemasters game IIRC.

Also, it doesn't feature Valencia, Abu Dhabi or any ghey version of Hockenheim


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
Lol thats so true about the tracks! Proper tracks on it!
Based on how I feel today (my opinion of games changes often!)

1. Fifa 12
2. Forza Motorsport 4
3. GT3 A-Spec
4. GTA4
5. CoD - Modern Warfare 2
  Bus Winker
GTA Vice City
Halo CE
Theme Hospital
Jet Set Radio Future

These are the ones that come to mind mainly due to the lenght of time I played them. I could list a lot of better games but these stick.
  Passat 170 DSG Wagon
This needs to be 10, the first 5 that come to mind;

Half life
Goldeneye 64
  Evo 5 RS
I know it's meant to be peoples favourites, but CoD? Seriously?

None of you played Allied Assault then. Or even the original MoH on PS1. Don't get atmosphere like that shizzle anymore


ClioSport Club Member
  Shit little Yaris...
CS : Source (PC)
Portal (PC)
GTA 3 (PS2)
Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Fight Night Champion (360)

Loads of others though and can probably do 15 more games that were farping epic!
  Passat 170 DSG Wagon
I know it's meant to be peoples favourites, but CoD? Seriously?

None of you played Allied Assault then. Or even the original MoH on PS1. Don't get atmosphere like that shizzle anymore

CoD 3 was the first online shooter I had played with mates on live and consumed many hours. The Modern Warfare series doesn't rate highly with me.
CS 1.6 > Source imo :p was the best time for CS.

Games is a pretty subjective thing though isn't it? And as someone said above - It's trickier cos you can clearly see development and increasing sophistication so really in terms of quality todays games blitz those of yester-year. So all you can go with is what blew you away when you first played it.

I chose Battlefield 1942. In terms of quality there's no queston that BF3 is superior in most regards (Still prefer the maps and setting of 1942 though). However BF3 to me is just a very good game. Probably the best shooter out at the moment. 1942 however.... Holy f**k, it absolutely blew my mind when I first played it. I was still new to online games so the idea that there's me, on foot, clutching my Thompson MG and the guys trundling past in Shermans, flying overhead in P51's and B52's, sailing down the coast in full sized battleships and aircraftcarriers were actually other players... Amazing. The scope and scale of it left me literally gaping, open mouthed. For the next few months if I wasn't working or eating I was playing BF1942.

Doom and Dungeon Master had the same effect.
  Nissan 350z
As you can see by my list, im more a PC person really :)

1: Homeworld
2: Dungeon Keeper 2
3: Diablo 2
4: Final Fantasy 12 (PS2)
5: Medieval Total War 2
  Mito Sportiva 135
Can't believe I forgot Worms off my list! After playing it against my flat mate last night (well, Worms 2: Armageddon on Live) I realised I have been playing this game, in it's various guises (excluding the 3D abominations!) since I was about 10, so 17 years worth of fun!

The Forts mode on W2:A is the most balanced, tactical and skillful game I can think of, it is like chess but having to use bazookas! Truly excellent.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
GTA: Vice City
Tomb Raider 1/2
Fifa 98: RTTWC
Tony Hawk's 3

They're the games I remember having the best memories of.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
In fact, Id say the Pokemon Franchise tops it for me.

The fact Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow were played by me on my Gameboy Colour from 1998ish, and the fact I was still actively playing them right up to the UK release of Black/White this year. I sold my complete set up (DS Lite/3DS, Pearl/Diamond/Platinum/Heart Gold/Soulsilver/Black & White) last month when I expected an expensive car month (TAX/MOT/Insurance). However, I bought a DS lite this morning and Im off to search the 2nd hand gameshops for a copy of a game in a minute lol


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Was RTTWC the one which had indoor 5-a-side football?

Yes! Needs a comeback tbh.

Countless hours on that game. I remember the intentional foul button and the fact that you could dive. Would be more apt nowadays, lol.
1) Counter-Strike (v1.0 if I have to choose a version) - Simply awesome, nothing else will ever come close.
2) Shenmue - Incredible.
3) GTA4 - Excellent SP and even better open world MP game.
4) Minecraft - So many hours lost perfecting my mansions.
5) Normality - Brilliant.
