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Track day at cadwell park first timer tips please

  Clio 182 Cup

I have a 182, both cup packs with racaro, only mods are decat, Miltek and braided brake lines..

Doing my first track day at cadwell park, other than the obvious make sure it's serviced and brake fluid fresh is there anything major I'm over looking?

Also I think the brakes I'm on should be fine they're Delphi Oem pads and coated Delphi discs..

Also any opions on some decent tyres and preferred tyre pressures would be perfect info

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Wouldn't trust the pads tbh, but you may get a few laps out of them.

Watch out for lift off oversteer too, they like to do it on a few corners here. Hall Bends (the twisty section through the woods) and the Gooseneck.
  330i. E30 Touring.
Just take it easy to start, build up pace as you build with confidence.

Tyres - come in and check the pressures when they're hot.
  Clio 182 Cup
Budget pads will struggle around Cadwell IMO, when are you doing the track day? I recommend these Mintex M1155, but they take around 3 weeks to deliver...

Thanks for all the replies

From some research I probably should of chosen an easier first track but hey ho

It's on the 20th July so still got some time, is there anything else that I could use?
  Clio 182 Cup
Just take it easy to start, build up pace as you build with confidence.

Tyres - come in and check the pressures when they're hot.

So if I start with the standard recommended tyre pressures, recheck when hot and let some air out?
  Clio 182 Cup
My tyres are firestone 205/45/16


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ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Guess it depends how far you want to go and how the day may pan out.

Decent tyres, maybe the ps3 as a compromise or go for the ad08r's or a spare set of 15's with more track based tyres on allready.

Being your first a decent set of road tyres would be best. See how you get on, enjoy it etc.
Ahahaha Well hence why I'm asking for an alternative tyre, I've been recommended ad08's.. I was just going to change the fronts mind

I would say that wasn't a good idea unless you really like oversteer i.e. plenty of front end grip and a lot less on the rear

4No AD08's would be a good choice

As for pressures a good starting point is to set the tyres to their cold pressures when hot and take it from there
Budget worn tyres & budget discs and pads, will equal no fun as they'll burn in the dry and be dangerous in the wet.

Get yourself a set of track orientated Road tyres, Nankang, Ferdral, Toyo etc... I get all mine from ebay part worn, just make sure they're not to old (7+ years), lol.


ClioSport Club Member
if you have the time and the money invest in a set of pads, ds3000 or the rc5/6 will do! also would advise a set of 15s with some track rubber ad08/888s tend to be popular. not cheap but sometimes you cna find some second hand bargins which helps
  Listerine & Poledo
Cadwell to break your track cherry?
Wow, that's a baptism of fire 😅

Track it as it stands, you'll work out what needs changing in time for your next one.


ClioSport Club Member
You'll be fine, just take it steady at first and warm to the track.

Check wheel bolts when there... Mine came loose due to my powder coated wheels and my wheel fell off.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Have you bought it mainly for track, or just a road car your going to occasionally take to track? Michelin Ps3s are generally the road tyre of choice (and work perfectly fine on track). If it's more track orientated, potentially look at ad08rs, less likely to get cut up by kerbs and rolling onto sidewalls (unlikely to be an issue until you've done a few track days yet!)

My approach to Road tyre pressures, drop them to about 30/28 cold. Do a short first session, come in and immediately adjust to 33/30 before they go cold.

Try and get a spare wheel if you don't have one already. (and probably a breaker bar). Spare set of Brembos front pads never go a miss at 30 quid.

Bring plenty of water. (for you not the car).
Most importantly - Download racechrono pro. :smile:
  Clio 172 - Track Car
If it's anything I've learnt It's worth buying a decent set of pads. Ds2500 or similar. Other than that just get out there and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about the other guys on track they have paid as much as you to be there. Just be considerate where possible and enjoy yourself!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
Another big thing not mentioned, is keep some throttle on in the bends, even a little bit just so the car is balanced. The amount of people who lift off the throttle completely and then wonder why they end up facing the opposite way is unreal. Also, if the back and does go, give it throttle not brakes, another one noobs always get wrong.

If you manage to spin a Clio on track without a spillage or something you're doing something wrong.


ClioSport Club Member
Cadwell to break your track cherry?
Wow, that's a baptism of fire 😅

Track it as it stands, you'll work out what needs changing in time for your next one.
I did the Ring. Bricks were shat. :|
Just take it easy, especially on budget brakes and worn sh*t tyres.
I'd look at replacing them both beforehand, personally.


ClioSport Trader
I'd look at getting some better pads in the front, and picking some cheap 15" alloys with better tyres on , they come up often with Federals RSR , Nankang NS2R , R888 etc etc on second hand

Get some tuition booked for the morning, best money you'll spend

Take it steady and build up speed through the day. I did my first track day at Cadwell in my 172 and I'm still here , it's awesome. Be warned once you get the bug , it gets addictive :up:

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
love a good man maths track car spend, you'll have a much more enjoyable time even as a beginner with tyres and brakes you can trust and lean on a bit imo, good work!



ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Agreed ^

You must be confident enough in your driving to book a day, and better tyres and brakes will Make it more enjoyable.

Have fun


ClioSport Club Member
Also worth changing your fluid if you're running standard stuff, otherwise the standard stuff will boil really easily. The ATE Type 200 is cheap and really good.
Ran ECP's Pagid DOT 4 in mine last time out at Aintree and Oulton without issue, in fact the pedal felt firmer than with ATE200, and at £15 for 5 litres v £14 for 1 litre of ATE200...

Pagid DOT 4:
  • Dry Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point, 260 ?C minimum
  • Wet Equilibrium Reflux Boiling Point, 160?C min
  • Kinematic Viscosity at -40 deg C = 1500 cSt max
  • Typical Dry Boiling Point : 280 Degrees C. (536 Degrees F.)
  • Minimum Wet Boiling Point : 198 Degrees C. (388 Degrees F.)
  • Viscosity at -40 degrees F: max cst 1,400
