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Trials Evolution - XBLA

  BMW F31
Downloaded in under 10mins! Awesome awesome awesome! Everyone needs to get this game, if you liked the first you'll absolutely love this!!!
  Ph 1 172
Anyone up for some multiplayer? What's your gamertags mines


O and has anyone got to the extreme tracks.. I just completes inferno 3 (yes inferno is back) honestly how my pad didn't go through my window I will never know but its great having a challenging game again


ClioSport Club Member
Its a great game, so simple yet brilliant fun. Although i'm getting error messages about posting times to the leaderboards and problems with xbox live even though i'm signed in?

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Its a great game, so simple yet brilliant fun. Although i'm getting error messages about posting times to the leaderboards and problems with xbox live even though i'm signed in?

I was having those problems last night, must be a live thing.
I'm going to buy this tonight. Went on my Xbox last night and realised I had 1300MS Points?! No idea when I got those.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Love this. It's massively addictive!

Some brilliant lighting effects too.


ClioSport Club Member
Can you turn friends ghost times off? Really puts me off trying to keep up with some of you lot.
This should have been the actual trailer. I would laugh but I know it will be me when I reach these levels...


Ok this was fun but now i'm getting onto the harder tracks (although still medium) just after my "B" licence. it's making me angry

also what happened to all the skill games from trials hd? there's hardly any in this new one. i'm surprisingly good at the rolling the ball one though, got like 270 metres or something
Some of the extreme tracks are driving me f*cking mental. How can a game fill me with so much rage yet be so addictive...
  Ph 1 172
Gigatrack is quality..... Only really struggled with one extreme track think it was the third or forth one called "wreck" but I completed it yesterday :)
  Clio 1.2 16V
Amazing game, much better than the last one. Forgot how annoying it can get trying to complete a level lol:dapprove:
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
Finally a game im good at! I was 270 when i set the time, took the photo 2 days later a moved down to 772! Still high considering the number of people :p

I want to get gold on all tracks eventually. There is one medium one I'm struggling with but when I raced with Chris, AK and the mysterious king of d sofa I zoomed through it with no faults :(
  Fiesta ST
I've not played this yet, downloaded but forgot about it. Obviously someone in my house is though as I'm on the leaderboards in the pic above lol. Will give it a go tonight


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
This game will be the end of me. There's an exteme track that I can't do for the life of me, had over 600 attempts before according to the counter :eek:


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
My bad, must've been 500. I know this as I've just done this. f**king game.


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  Fiesta ST
Done them all, last 3 extreme tracks are quite hard first time through, just takes time learning what to do at each obstacle. Once figured out there not bad. Only done one run through of each yet though. Did the wreck with the wrong bike :eek: Which made it stupidly hard which is why it took me almost 15 mins lol. I only noticed when I moved on to next track.

Overall a little disappointed with the difficulty. Seems they have toned it down a little from the last one. The tracks in general are quite good though with the scenery adding a little more in terms of visuals.

Well worth the £10
