this advert made me laugh, check out what type of red the spoiler is in!!
this advert made me laugh, check out what type of red the spoiler is in!!
it seems he knows as much as u do right enough, think that might be inferno too
this advert made me laugh, check out what type of red the spoiler is in!!
it seems he knows as much as u do right enough, think that might be inferno too
yes it a genuine cup spoiler the guy was selling an empty race chassis the other month. it was painted white and red, so it won't trophy red, it is the colour they say.
omg 132+12 pp 144. gonna need a respray as it ford red there only 138 new. and about 26£ for the light. so say 160ish new. i'd rather get it new and pay that little bit more and have the satisfaction of it been new lol
it was a cup spoiler not a v6/trophy one pal