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Unmarked police car in Essex


ClioSport Admin
  Maserati Ghibli S

BMW 530d in dark grey. Reg: X** WNO (Sorry, i didnt get it all)

I got pulled by it last night, and got 3 points/£60 fine. Could have been worse, as I was going very very fast indeed, just lucky he couldnt keep up to get a proper speed I guess.

If anyone knows of any more unmarked in Essex, post the registrations on here pls.
  172 M69 eater


one of my mates drivin a metro the other day got pulled over by a copper but there was only one of em so he got away with it!! lucky git!

funny tho the police man got him out and said, you been drinkin, he said no, copper sed u been takin drugs, mate sed no, and copper sed so how do u explain your bullsh*t driving!! lol


ClioSport Admin
  Maserati Ghibli S

There was only 1 that pulled me. A speedometer and 1 copper is all thats needed apparantly.

Quote: Originally posted by dogmaul on 13 July 2003

i thought they needed more than 1 when its a spedo but only 1 if its on video
Only needs to be 2 of them if they are not using calibirated equipment (usually a boggo panda car?). The second copper basically backs up the opinion of the first. I would imagine that all traffic cars have a calibirated device of some kind (spedo, Vascar, Video) and so only one policeman is needed.
  Mr2 Roadster

Sorry to here that Jas but in all in all sounds like you may have been lucky! I have 6 points for speending myself ( all unlucky ) ...


Bad luck Jas. :(

Y241 EEG is a white Omega with HID lights, seen down southend a few times. That BMW has been around for a bit - Ive got the full plate somewhere. They also have a Land Rover that Ive seen (but may be more of an off-road response vehicle). Ill try and find the ones I know, but I think theyve sold all their old Senators and the like.

How fast exactly was very, very fast anyway... ? :p

(oh, and while I think about it, everyone in essex has to do the old A130 in the very near future, very late at night and at (or above!) all the old speed limits - they already have the signs up to make what used to be the dual carriageway in the middle a 40mph bit, plus theyre chopping one side off to make it two way. Tw*ts. Still, at least I can say I raced, ahem, a saxo down there on saturday at *20... ;))

Unlucky, that BMW has been about for a year at least, The old A130 is crap now, they have put one at a time width restrictions in. Where abouts u from White16valver, im from chelmsford should have asked if the equipment used to catch you had been tested , & if so please could you have proof....apparently it has to be tested everyday & if it isnt logged on the records as tested then a conviction cant be issued !!...(they dont test them everyday !!)

dont take that as gospel tho !!
  Scirocco GT TSi DSG

Sorry about that Jas - but you are lucky it could have been worse as you said, still I dont approve of people going fast in 30 -50 areas as there is usually a reason for these limits.

My girlfriend almost got ran off the road last night by a speeding idiot, he got pulled by an unmarkled copper who verbaly went to town on him hopefully he got points.

With all of the speed traps these days we will all have points soon.

Quote: Originally posted by RobRSi on 14 July 2003

Unlucky, that BMW has been about for a year at least, The old A130 is crap now, they have put one at a time width restrictions in. Where abouts u from White16valver, im from chelmsford
Im also from Chelmsford, born and bred (be that good or bad!). Theyve made the old A130 as difficult and unenjoyable as possible to drive down, purely to discourage you from driving down there. That is the sole intention of these, and many other, restrictions in Essex and many other counties. Which is why I shall continue to drive the old road at a suitable speed late at night, rather than the UTTERLY RIDICULOUS 30mph and 40mph they want you to do on a road with no-one about and, in the case of the dual-carriageway-thats-soon-not-to-be, NO FECKING HOUSES. :mad:

Just wait - as soon as the locals start to get caught, theyll be up in arms about the persecution theyre suffering - and I will laugh my arse off, as they are the stupid tw*ts who asked for such ridiculously low limits to be in place.

In case anyone local didnt know, go and enjoy the road while you can - for soon it is to be 40mph from well before the top of the hill for the dual carriageway, all the way through to the now-30mph village before you reach the rettendon turnpike. GNAAAARGH.


ClioSport Admin
  Maserati Ghibli S

He caught up with me in the town, where I was doing the speed limit - he wasnt.

And you can also drive fast (ie. over the speed limit) safely, where you are not endangering anyone. Or have you been suckered into the latest police campaign where they are trying to make speeding as anti-social as drink-driving? Remember: Speed does not kill; it is only the incorrect and irresponsible misuse of speed which can kill.
  Scirocco GT TSi DSG

Quote: Originally posted by Jas on 14 July 2003

He caught up with me in the town, where I was doing the speed limit - he wasnt.

And you can also drive fast (ie. over the speed limit) safely, where you are not endangering anyone. Or have you been suckered into the latest police campaign where they are trying to make speeding as anti-social as drink-driving? Remember: Speed does not kill; it is only the incorrect and irresponsible misuse of speed which can kill.
Agree with you, living in Northampton means that we dont often have the luxury of speed. Did you tell the copper this? If Mell was with you couldnt she be a witness and argue that you wernt speeding?


ClioSport Admin
  Maserati Ghibli S

It would be our word against his. And the courts will always side with the police (unless youre a burglar of course!).

Speed doesnt kill, its the sudden stop.

They should have variable limits for weather conditions and for times of day when children are likely to run in the road. Erm yeah, dream on jonny.

Saw an undercover Ford Gallaxy, which nearly nicked me but I guess something more important came up.

Prince Williams body guard got a James Bond stylee Range Rover, very cool.

Quote: Originally posted by Jas on 14 July 2003

He caught up with me in the town, where I was doing the speed limit - he wasnt.

And you can also drive fast (ie. over the speed limit) safely, where you are not endangering anyone. Or have you been suckered into the latest police campaign where they are trying to make speeding as anti-social as drink-driving? Remember: Speed does not kill; it is only the incorrect and irresponsible misuse of speed which can kill.
Just had an interesting conversation with the woman opposite me at work - her opinion is that Im a dangerous fool to be doing 100mph on an empty 3 lane motorway or dual carriageway, and that 70mph is the limit. God help us - these people are the ones who want to take away our freedoms to drive safely at a correct speed. No wonder the standard of driving is so low in this country if people seriously think that the government is basing speed limits on safety - theyre the ones who do 100mph once in the wrong conditions and are then of the opinion that 100mph is dangerous full-stop.


*bangs head repeatedly against wall in a futile attempt to bring about respite from the blithering idiots we have running this country and driving our roads*
  320d M Sport

WTF?! We cant post regs of cars that have been spotted but youre asking people to post Coppers number plates??


sorry u got busted anyway
  2012 WRX Waggon

The 70mph speed limit was around when cars had bricks and rope for brakes, nearly every vehicle otr today can safely do 90, and stop in plenty of time.

What would be interesting would be if EVERYONE started driving like Miss Daisy, cutting their fuel consumption in half, "robbing" the treasury of Billions - wonder what theyd do then????
  Silver Fabia vRS

Youre really going to hate my car now!

Sorry to hear that J - I have come to the opinion that instead of speeding Im going to go out and nick things for kicks...I know for a fact that I will only get a warning and perhaps a bit of community work...but at best I could get a free holiday!

Agree with Viseral about the speed limits being set back in the days when it took a car a week to stop.
  Silver Fabia vRS

Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 14 July 2003

WTF?! We cant post regs of cars that have been spotted but youre asking people to post Coppers number plates??


sorry u got busted anyway
Do we really need to answer this question?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 14 July 2003

WTF?! We cant post regs of cars that have been spotted but youre asking people to post Coppers number plates??


sorry u got busted anyway
Full Regs!!

Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 14 July 2003

WTF?! We cant post regs of cars that have been spotted but youre asking people to post Coppers number plates??


sorry u got busted anyway
sorry, but this was a stupid thing to post - do you not want to be warned about unmarked cars???

Quote: Originally posted by Jas on 13 July 2003

BMW 530d in dark grey. Reg: X** WNO (Sorry, i didnt get it all)

I got pulled by it last night, and got 3 points/£60 fine. Could have been worse, as I was going very very fast indeed, just lucky he couldnt keep up to get a proper speed I guess.

If anyone knows of any more unmarked in Essex, post the registrations on here pls.
X117 WNO ;)
  172 sport,

dirty robbing gits wont play fair will they and they say that speed kills etc etc but if you work for them you get let off or sometimes not even stopped if they know you bang out of order i think:mad:
  320d M Sport

err, of course i want to be warned about unmarked cars!

BUT, you post someones full reg on here and all hell breaks loose!? Kinda contradicting yourselves?

no need for the sarcy comments everyone! Sheesh...


ClioSport Admin
  Maserati Ghibli S

paddymph, posting an individuals reg on here means their address can be found easily. Posting a police cars reg on here means nothing, an address cannot be obtained, even if it could it would only be an address to a police station - so in my books the 2 are completely different.
  BMW 320d Sport

Too bad mate! Sorry to hear that but you shouldnt have said anything. You got a right to silence mate just like anyone else. If he could have proved it, then you should have let him have his day in court. Essex Police tried to stitch me up for a similar kind of thing down on the 127 in Leigh, I asked them to prove it and theyve still got their thumbs up their arses 4 months later. There might still be a get out though. What did you actually SAY? How did the conversation go? If you admitted that you were speeding youre pretty much buggered though. It would be easy to just drive along not looking at your speedo

COPPER Do you know what sort of speed you were doing there sonny?

YOU No. The speed limit I suppose. I was concentrating on the road and my driving

COPPER You were doing 140mph on this dual carriageway

YOU How do you know? Im sure I was under the limit

COPPER My speedo says so

YOU How do I know that your speedo is correct?

etc etc


ClioSport Admin
  Maserati Ghibli S

I didnt admit anything, but being an undercover traffic car, im sure he had the right gadgets to prove me guilty!

I was speaking to a copper on the desk when I was showing my documents, and he said they calibrate the speedos daily.
