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Upgrade in a few months. Stick with iPhone or...


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
The only other phone I would consider is a Blackberry (probably 9700). The thing is at the moment I have unlimited texts, this is an option O2 are getting rid of so when I upgrade I'd either have to keep my phone and get me a simplicity contract. If I spec it up (Unlimited internet and texts) it ends up the same price as a BB.

So, new phone or keep the 3G for another year? I really can't decide. I really love my iPhone (Apple fanboy) but all my friends use blackberrys and I do like them.



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I have a BB but I see the fascination with the iphone.

Not get the 3Gs?


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
He's french, his argument is invalid.

No, can't afford to buy an iPhone outright and the contracts are poo :(
  Mountune Tractor
If you ditch the iPhone for a BB then Tom will chop your willy off.
If you spell iPhone wrong, Revels will do the same.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I'm on pay monthly atm. £37.50 with the unlimited text bolt on.

However, when I upgrade (say to the 3GS) I won't be able to carry on my unlimited texts as O2 (Cnuts) have stopped it for the iPhone. Therefore my options are.

A- Get an O2 Simplicity card, add unlimited texts + Internet bolt ons and keep my 3G
B- Get a BB on Voda for £35 a month with unlimited texts etc.
C- Buy a iPhone 3Gs outright, and combine it with option A. However I can't afford to spend that much outright on a phone. So no option C


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I'm on pay monthly atm. £37.50 with the unlimited text bolt on.

However, when I upgrade (say to the 3GS) I won't be able to carry on my unlimited texts as O2 (Cnuts) have stopped it for the iPhone. Therefore my options are.

A- Get an O2 Simplicity card, add unlimited texts + Internet bolt ons and keep my 3G
B- Get a BB on Voda for £35 a month with unlimited texts etc.
C- Buy a iPhone 3Gs outright, and combine it with option A. However I can't afford to spend that much outright on a phone. So no option C
But if you get a contract you don't have to buy the iphone do you?
O2 won't take the unlimited texts on you. If you re-new, you'll just keep it. If you removed it, then you won't get it back.

You say a few months.. You'd be crazy not to wait until June and see what the new iPhone is like. Then just upgrade to that.

172boost is also 100% spot on.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
No its a contract. You just get it for free as its only a simcard. I'm still tied in to the sim for 12 months either way.

And i prefer the BBiPhone :eek:

Used to love my iPhone, but its started falling apart! Going to apple tomorrow to get a replacement mind you.

Revels that sounds like a good solution. However I hate that i don't get any signal in woodstock or my house on O2. But i would on Voda. Tbh I may wait!
So really it's PAYG.


No it's not. It's a contract, but cheaper line rental, as you're not subsidising the cost of the phone with it. I was paying £9.50 a month for unlimited texts and 400 mins last year.

And Jason, you're not tied in for 12 months, it's a 30 day rolling contract.
Well then wait for the summer and get the new one on Voda.

I'm a 'pikey' on PAYG. £15 a month for unlimited texts and internet.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Hopefully a new design. Something different to keep me interested.

New OS hopefully too!
I think the design will change slightly. A better camera.

It won't change massively because it doesn't need to. The screen/res will stay exactly the same.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Well then wait for the summer and get the new one on Voda.

I'm a 'pikey' on PAYG. £15 a month for unlimited texts and internet.
But he's going to have to buy the BB outright if he doesn't want a contract.

Rolling contract? PAYG in my eyes.
Jason. I went from a Blackberry to an iPhone (granted their worst blackberry possible). I won't be going back. I want touch screen, lots of easy to use, decent apps and a map/route finder that works.

No other phone currently offers this.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
But he's going to have to buy the BB outright if he doesn't want a contract.

Rolling contract? PAYG in my eyes.

No, I will happily get a BlackBerry on contract as they include the unlimited texts I need cos i is popularz.

JD, I thought exactly the same tbh. Thought iPhone was the dogs b****cks (still do to be fair) but with the problems I've been having recently its put me off :(


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
BB free texts, 600mins free internet and email.

I pay £24.50 a month.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
What problems are you having?

Earpiece broke a while back, hairline fractures on the case (Rang apple they have booked me an appointment tomorrow said it should be a straight swap for a replacement)

Other than that, freezing, crashing, turning itself off, giving me electric shocks when it charges.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
By earpiece I mean the bit you hear calls through. I have to put EVERYONE on loudspeaker.

Difficult when your calling sex lines ya know?
  Audi S1
You got it wet?

My mate got his wet at a foam party and the earpieced stop working, could here them slightly - but fine on loudspeaker.


Earpiece broke a while back, hairline fractures on the case (Rang apple they have booked me an appointment tomorrow said it should be a straight swap for a replacement)

Other than that, freezing, crashing, turning itself off, giving me electric shocks when it charges.

Surely if they're replacing it for free then all these problems will vanish and you can maybe look after the next one you get ;)?


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
LOL It has been treated well. Always kept in a case, always used an old phone when I was going somewere that wasn't iPhone friendly.

And I STILL have to decide what to upgrade to. Probably new iPhone!
Lol @ using a different phone.

Surely if you go somewhere that 'unfriendly' you just give it to your Mum to put in her handbag?


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Getting absolutely wasted mostly. Broke many a phone that way.

Also anywhere I might get very wet. Other than that the phone is used day in day out. Using the old phone is only for rare occasions.
