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upgrading williams sound system


ClioSport Club Member
  mk8Fiesta ST,172 cup

totally standard at the moment, i have a sony cd headunit from my old car which i will fit, i also have a alpine enclosed sub and 2x90w alpine amp in the garage and another sony amp which was used to run the fronts on my old car. i was thinking of obviously replacing fronts with good components and running them of the sony amp, and stealth shelf to run 6x9 with an amp and sub in boot & amp. would like opinions of what size fronts and what make and also what make of 6x9. tbh the sub isnt the best might replace it with maybe vibe/focal enclosed sub with built in amp? suggestions please!!!
  transit connect

dont bother with 6x9s waste of time (just get some decent coxaial for some rear fill) get a set of focal components cant remember model number but they r around 200 and the nuts or dls about 150/160 v good as well. run these off the least powerfull amp then use the more powerful amp to run a sub. alpine is ok but u can get a v good dls for 100 so depends on what u wanna spend.bear inmind not everywhere sells dls or focal so..look around if u need any more avice pm me.
