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Urgent Help Please - Scratch Removal

  Clio V6

Gone all the way to Edinburgh to buy a new Vee. The car is great but the only thing bothering me is a light scratch on the driverside door pillar about 1/2 an inch long. I can get the tip of my nail in but it doesn't seem too deep. Does anyone know roughly how much it would cost to treat? Colour is Illiad blue.

Thanks, Ed.
  Bumder With A Buffer
IS it all the way down to bare metal??

"Some" scratches can be removed via correction with a DA or Rotary. But it depends how bad it actually is.
  Clio V6
Hi, no it's nowhere near the metal, just a light mark that you can feel your finger tip catch on as you run over it.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Providing it hasnt gone down to paint it and is just the lacquer it could be removed via a correction then.


Nicked that from over on Detailing world.

If it is like the last one then it cant be done via correction...if its any of the others then it can be done.
