Ok see your point lads, but to be honest I ran without one for a couple of years and then last years or so with my home made one which does look ok. The dot 5.1 fluid i use has a dry bp of 365C (in use probably does boil below or around 250 so I know what you mean), which is a few hundred degrees which i meant to say, realise dot 4 and lesser obviously boil lower but even so, heat transfered to the pipes at bulkhead will be negligble compared with even slight braking, there just isnt the surface area for such heat transfer. I am still amazingly enough on original clutch and throttle cable, so am still not totally convinced this heat shield is required, but it is probably best to have it there anyway. However I am convinced renaults flimsy piece is not best option and it looks scabby as hell after only a few miles. Anyway its not important, and it is probably just a matter of horses for courses. Its going to be better to have it there than not. I aint changing it, so i will be able to see if it backfires on me or not, lol!