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not my car but just walked by a white 197 cup in my town, owner is not on here, dent in boot lid, as got closer to it you can see the actual shoe print from the jealous hating c**t that done it

VANDALS = c***s
  Renaultsport 200
Did you speak to the guy? Did it look fresh (as in you could be the first person to see it, even before the owner)

Someone stole my Renault Sport door badges a few weeks ago. They broke a number of clips. It cost me 50 sheets to replace them.
  Dynamique Flamer
You don't know for sure who done it! LOL
It could have been the owner i have heard stranger things happen tbh
this sht drives me mad!

The other wee i caught a lad put a brick through the window of a RS6 at the end of my girlfriends street, he procede to walk across the road nd sit under a bus shelter. So i called the police to report it and tey turned up, they asked if i had seen it happen to which i replied yes it was him oer there in the bus stop. i was then told to goon my way and the situation would be dealt with?

Sure nothing happened!

Still f***s me off to the max!
  White clique
arseholes, you can only assume these people dont own nice cars themselves or they wouldn't do this, they'd realise how out of order it is.
  Chav Rocket
when i was at uni people used to break all the car mirrors on streets and jump on peoples roofs.....assholes tbh
Re: vandals...c**ts...

80% of the time it's just jealous scummy little c***s, never amounted to anything in their pathetic little lives and will never own a decent motor so their attitude is "why should they have anything decent"
  Clio 182FF
It's purely because these rats don't like people like us spending our HARD EARNED cash on something we enjoy. They can't afford these beautiful machines so they try to ruin it for us. If I ran this country I would have a shoot on sight policy for vandals. w*****s.
