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w**kerS! cant believe what happened!

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Driving back from the birds house, thought id have a drive through town. These 4 youths in a red astra I think behind me most of the way up my arse a bit.

Comes to a mini roundabout signals right well before hand as im goin back round it to head home, turn 90 degrees and the fukers are on the wrong side of the roundabout cutting me up trying to overtake me!

Resulting in me smashing into the side of them, luckily the brakes were on top form so want too bad a thump. Anyway they drove off. Cheeky mailto:b@stards">b@stards. So i followed em flashing etc, and they did a stupid overtaking manouver and got away while i was behind traffic. Managed to get their number plate though!

anyway i pulled in to look at damage; cracked bumper which is partly hanging off, chunk missing from the wing, smashed indicator and grill.

Luckily the bonnet is ok, just caught em as it has red paint on the end of it.

Next min this geezer turns up sayin he seen it all happen and i got his number. Then saw a traffic cop on way home so had a word and he saif he would go looking and to report it tomorrow.

I think the fact they drove off says it all really!

mailto:W@NKERS">W@NKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrr

again mate.....harsh.

but youll get the funkers!

lucky its minimal damage too.....i hope, need to check under it all though.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

yeah they shall pay. I was gonna try to catch em, thinkit was only a 1.4 so no problems but there was 5 youths in the car with caps on. not a lot i can do really, they would have probably rammed me or somethin daft.!!
  clio williams, Ph1 172

f**kin c u n ts mate. get there plate, find where they live and well get the boys round hehe.

Will try and get hold of some bits for you mate. got a couple of things you can have for nowt like i said. pity i flogged the bumper.

sometimes makes u wonder if its really worth having a nice modded car etc.. coz some c**ts will always try race you or do something to piss ya off....

everyone will be driving round in gaycars eventually! :cry:
  Megane 225 baby! :)

what a bunch of kn*bs! :mad:

Glad that you are okay and that you have got an independent witness, invaluable in my experience.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Cheers people. Need to go to the cop shop this morning to report it.

I want to get it sorted and fixed asap though. But my dad reckons i cant touch it yet in case they do have insurance and i can get some money off them. What you reckon? Maybe if I take a few photos of the damage? I can get most of the bits by today that I need.
  320d M Sport

if youre gonna do that get a garage to take pics of the car BEFORE they do anythin, keep ALL parts (police can do paint match if necessary). Then get medievil on their ass..........

KIN NOBS!!!!!!!!!

Gutted mate - Its a shame when you cant go out for a drive without having to put up with what can only be described as "Nova Boys" ruining your evening and your car.

I dont care what they were driving - they were "Nova Boys"

Im loosing faith in mankind . . . . .

  Clio 197

Good luck. Well done getting the number and not losing the head completely.

And very lucky that you have an independent witness.

I just hope the car wasnt stolen. And the b******s might well claim it was even if it wasnt.

Did you get a look at the lad driving?

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Yeah there were about 4-5 youth with caps on. It was an Astra I think, with a bodykit on. I could tell they were itching to get past me cos they kept booting it behind me.

But waht a w**k place to try to overtake. Even if i was goin straight on at the roundabout it would have happened! And i was signaling well before I even got to it!
  honda accord 2.4 type s

And remember, it may well be worthwhile going to your local hospital and complaining of a stiff neck. (whiplash can pay thousands!!)

Where theres blame, theres a claim

Sorry about the car, but glad your o.k
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Well I been to look in light, not too bad thank god, but the bumper and wing needs replacing, ones cracked and the other has a chunk missing. Bumper aint on right and the grill is hanging off. Lining is touching wheel just about as well.

I think i was lucky really it could have been a lot worse. Luckily the bonnet just has a bit of red paint on the end, so it must have been close to damaging that!
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

Well this guys gonna get screwed. They said they can do him with:

Failing to report an accident
Failing to stop at the scene of an accident
Driving without due care and attention
Dangerous driving.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

oh yeah and i just found out the car details too. had a daft bodykit on so looked strange. i thought it was an astra though!


Good job i didnt chase em eh, would have nad no chance of keeping up.

similar thing happened to me a couple of years ago but there car was fuked and they ran off and left it it werent registered in there name so i had to fit the bill!

the bloke who hit you once caught will get points + big fine for not stopin at the scene of an accident,my mate done it got the book thrown at him!!!

haha good job

Which book? I reckon the new Harry Potter book in hard back would really hurt. It weighs close to a ton doesnt it?


Lord of the rings, itll hurt more. lol.

T!ts like that should be locked up and banned from driving. it gives modified car drivers a really bad name. And why does it seem to be astras most of the time? A blue one chased me down the EP in Telford. Once i wound down my window and realised he was thrashing the pants off it to keep up, i dropped it down a gear, spat a bit of a flame and he turned into a little dot in the distance quite quickly :D

I hope you get the money to repair it and those little idiots get whats coming to them.

Hoping all goes well.


Post the plate up if you dont mind? Ill keep an eye out for the muppets when Im out and about, might be able to follow them home for you then a friendly visit can be paid LOL



sorry 2 hear about it , they want hanging up by their b*llocks (if they have any)

if you see the car or them again, be sure to kick th living sh*t out of them, violence didnt solve any thing but youll feel better for it.

W*nkers hope u catch em, the fact that they didnt stop probably means they have nothing no ins or DL, sorry to drown your hopes but brace yourself for the worst.
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

I lost the witnesses phone number but iv managed to track him down posting on the toyota forum.

how good is that, im well chuffed!
