For many many years car makers have produced model ranges. Just for instance take the Mini Metro.
There was a Metro base model, an L an LE and so on going right the way up to the Vanden Plas. Top of the range with all the bells and whistles.
Normal human nature makes many of us want/wish for the best, and if we manage to have the top model we may feel a cut above the rest or just much more comfortable with our purchase.
I find the "Sporting" car maket is somewhat reversed.
Take the Clio 172. It has all the above luxuries. Speed, CD, Aircon, Nice thick windows etc;
Yet what I fail to understand is in this market so many of us wish/want the CUP.
Without all the creature comforts of a much lower spec model. We would be quite happy to complain of stuffy hot days ( yes even if its only a couple in the uk ) Running over a greater percentage of people due to our chosen inability to stop the damn thing in time.
The list goes on as you all know.
How many 172 owners are thinking of DOWNGRADING to the super new "Daddy" Clio Cup?
Or am I getting warm with the belief that the Cup is the new VTR/VTS cheap option but with a touch of zoom, maybe even enough to smugly smirk at the 172 owners as we zip past them sweating like a pig on a hot day and tensed up to the hilt for fear that those brakes might be needed.
I am not wishing to "Get at anyone" I just want to learn a lesson in human behaviour within the motoring community.