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Warzone - Packet Burst Issues


ClioSport Moderator
Since the recent season 5 update (the one about 2 weeks ago), I’ve been suffering pretty severe packet burst in every game mode (multiplayer, BR and DMZ).

To the point where the game is basically unplayable. The people I’m playing with aren’t suffering the same problems in game.

I’ve checked my internet and router - absolutely fine and 136mb or so download and 20mb upload (not spaceship fast, but it’s been fine before). On other BR games, I have no issues whatsoever.

So, do we think it’s my problem or Warzone server problems and irrelevant of what I do, I won’t solve it until they patch it again?

How do I go about solving this. It’s very annoying. I probably play WZ three times a week currently.

Help please!

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Is it wired or WiFi?

Have you tested the ping and loss on the internal network?

Tried any other multiplayer games to see if you get the same issue?

Also, it'll be on your side as everyone else has been ok.


ClioSport Club Member
  Straight 6
I’ve had issues the past few days, seems to be better on resurgence than DMZ for some reason.


ClioSport Moderator
Is it wired or WiFi?

Have you tested the ping and loss on the internal network?

Tried any other multiplayer games to see if you get the same issue?

Also, it'll be on your side as everyone else has been ok.

You say this, but….some digging online tells me since the season 5 update, lots more people are having problems;



ClioSport Moderator
This has been solved. Transpires running 4k on your HDD vs your SSD is the main problem 👀

Moved the game into my SSD and it runs like a dream. Luckily, our resident @Chode Lint is kindly also shipping me another SSD to wang in, so I’ll have more space.
