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Water leak again!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Can't believe something so small can piss me off so much!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
right your 100 percent sure its runnning down that inside bit?

Yeah, my mate sat in the car today and i poured water on diffrent parts. It made it leak but it wasn't obvious which bit it was leaking from. I can't see anywhere.

The red spare it where the water beads and then drips. The black square is highlighting the panel its coming from under. There is no water in the the boot at any point higher up than the red box.


Thanks again for the help, if your ever in leicester then i definatly owe you a couple of beers!!


ClioSport Club Member
right had a clio in for water leak today so had a detailed look. its not coming in the boot strut mounting point i would have said its likely to be higher up. when you get you mate in the boot again. tape off the top corner of the boot it seems most of the panels connect here. i will try and get some photos tomorro of what im on about. and i will look on the computer at work to see if it says anything about the panels. pity you dint have compressed air cos that would have been another good test


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
I can get compressed air on monday, go see my old boss as they have an air compressor for the tyres on the loading shovels. He won't mind if they haven't shut for xmas already!!!

Photos would be amazing, what do you mean the top corner. Do you mean the bit in the red box that you drew earlier in the thread (not the one i drew).


ClioSport Club Member
yea the one i drew mate. what you need to you if you can get air with a nozzle type attachment on it have someone inside and blow over the roof with the boot shut they may here the air sound change where the hole is that may lead you in a better direction


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
yea the one i drew mate. what you need to you if you can get air with a nozzle type attachment on it have someone inside and blow over the roof with the boot shut they may here the air sound change where the hole is that may lead you in a better direction

I see what you mean, think thata going to be my best bet. I may do it the other way round, ie. Put some soapy water all over the area for the top of the car. Then blow air from the whole in the boot and look for bubbles. Bit like repairing a bike inner tube puncture!!!


ClioSport Club Member
yea good call i got some stuff for you i looked at both clios i had in abd there are several panels that join in that area i will try and get some pics up tomorro


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
yea good call i got some stuff for you i looked at both clios i had in abd there are several panels that join in that area i will try and get some pics up tomorro

Thanks again, the pics will be really helpful. was cosidering having another go at it today, but the snow kind of put me off. Plus i have done enough car fixing today!! Topped up the brake fluid and diagnosed that my battery is on the way out. Bloody french cars, but i still love it!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
got the air hose on the car today. Pretty sure i found the leak, but confusingly its below the point its coming into the boot. I am100% sure thats the right place so going to seal it and hope!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
got the air hose on the car today. Pretty sure i found the leak, but confusingly its below the point its coming into the boot. I am100% sure thats the right place so going to seal it and hope!!!

pictures or the gtfo ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
pictures or the gtfo ;)

Yeah i doesn't seem like its possible, so im going to seal where I think its coming in and then test it again, because the air might be coming out of a different hole than the water is actually coming in if that makes sense?

Daz, if you are still struggling to find the leak then see if you can use an air line, if no one you know has one then maybe ask people on here because it was so much easier! took me about 30 secs to find it!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
Okay this is a pic of the seal that is definatly broken and where air leaks out when i use the air hose so i have no sealed it up and im going to give it a couple of days and see how it does!!


The arrow is where i have seales up, but the red line is approx the height the water is leaking into the boot. This seems abit strange to me but I am going to hope its worked.



ClioSport Club Member
Sorry i havent got back to you mate. there is another join which is hard to see just above that boot strut mount check that on too. that close up pic it does not look normal. it may be some sort of calpillerly action but i dont think that panle goes up that high


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
It aint fixed yet but I will get it sorted now i know what im doing, snow has stopped play and im doing exams at the mo...
I can't stress enough how much easier the air hose made it. I found 1 leak and sealed it, but there must be another one some where. Going to try and sort it this week.

Sorry i havent got back to you mate. there is another join which is hard to see just above that boot strut mount check that on too. that close up pic it does not look normal. it may be some sort of calpillerly action but i dont think that panle goes up that high

Not quite sure where you mean man, is there something wrong with the positioning of the panels on my car?:S

Not exactly sure what you mean by the boot strut mount? Is the thing that holds the boot open?

Also i have realised the water can't go upwards but by sealing the lower bit it will help me find the actual leak with the air hose method.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
ha, you should have seen mine piss in the other day!

I am beyond stumped I really am, I've never been beaten finding issues but I seem to have been so far with this!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
ha, you should have seen mine piss in the other day!

I am beyond stumped I really am, I've never been beaten finding issues but I seem to have been so far with this!

Where do you live, if you aint to far from me I can try and help out? Not promising anything but I can try!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Blackburn, I'm trying to get the use of an air hose at the moment, its impossible to recreate it at the moment with hoses, tipping water on it, it has to actually rain.

What does my head in the most is its actually (in my eyes) impossible for it to come from where ist coming from!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
Blackburn, I'm trying to get the use of an air hose at the moment, its impossible to recreate it at the moment with hoses, tipping water on it, it has to actually rain.

What does my head in the most is its actually (in my eyes) impossible for it to come from where ist coming from!

Thats a fair way away from me, although i was in preston a couple of months ago for a night out...bit random!

I know what you mean, it does seem impossible, especially when you can't replicate it! I am going to try using my foot pump instead of the air hose as the one i use is in chester and im back in leicester now :dapprove:

I will let you know how it goes, could be interesting.

Failing that I an going to seal everything in the area and hope!!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
yea the rod that holds the boot open just above there is another join where it could come in

Okay, well i finish my exams tomorrow at 5.00. can't wait they have been so s**t!

I think i will try using my foot pump and help from a friend and then seal everything up that air comes out of. Hopefully that will work.
  182 full fat
Lads how did you get on with this leak,i've got the same leak in my boot on the driver side...

did you find out how to fix it...

Thanks Ian


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Mine finally was a tiny pin hole in the seam under the roof rails, I thought it was a speck of dust untill I threw a bit of water at it - amazed me how something so small caused me so many sleepless nights!
  182 full fat
Mine finally was a tiny pin hole in the seam under the roof rails, I thought it was a speck of dust untill I threw a bit of water at it - amazed me how something so small caused me so many sleepless nights!

how easy is it to get the roof rail off,

need to get this sorted,its doing my head in...


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
4 clips piece of piss - best way is to get a long screwdrive and a cloth, start at the door end and cover the roof with the cloth and gently lever it off, by the third one you should be able to just pop it off...

I'd do it that way so it doesn't bend.
  182 full fat
4 clips piece of piss - best way is to get a long screwdrive and a cloth, start at the door end and cover the roof with the cloth and gently lever it off, by the third one you should be able to just pop it off...

I'd do it that way so it doesn't bend.

Thanks Mate.

will give that ago on saturday....:D
Got this problem too, never used to have. Only thing i have been mucking around with is fitting a new rear screen wash motor and i did play around with the rubber bits in the roof by the spoiler. Best be something easy to sort!

At first i thought it was a bit of condensation but now there is literally a puddle every week
Where mine was leaking from, will clean up once set


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ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
After thinking I had fixed it a while ago, realised it is leaking again.

This time I took the strip off the roof, which was a lot easier than i was expecting. Then boom there it was a big-ish hole. Sealed it so hoping for the best.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
^^^ well mines leaking again. although its a tiny leak compared to last time, checked my fix and thats fine so it must be creeping though from somewhere else...

When the cars flat it doesn't leak - at work we have a slightly dipped car park so the car faces downwards, if I park it upwards it doesn't leak.

Stupid car!


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
^^^ well mines leaking again. although its a tiny leak compared to last time, checked my fix and thats fine so it must be creeping though from somewhere else...

When the cars flat it doesn't leak - at work we have a slightly dipped car park so the car faces downwards, if I park it upwards it doesn't leak.

Stupid car!

French probably didn't take slops into consideration when they built it!

If this doesn't work im going to get one of those ultrasonic test things...
  1.2 16v dynamique
i have a leaky boot too !! i have just bought a 51 plate clio and noticed the rear hatch isnt aligned properly and it leaks on the seal is this a easy fix or do i have to strip out loads just to loosen fixings to re align :S
  Clio 182 cup
^^^ well mines leaking again. although its a tiny leak compared to last time, checked my fix and thats fine so it must be creeping though from somewhere else...

When the cars flat it doesn't leak - at work we have a slightly dipped car park so the car faces downwards, if I park it upwards it doesn't leak.

Stupid car!
Hi I know this is from ages ago but how did you re seal the roof thing
